Alexa Bliss has the WWE Universe where she wants them. Free from The Fiend, Bliss might be the more frightening of the two. What could be next for Bliss?
On the Raw after WWE WrestleMania 37, Alexa Bliss declared that she no longer needed the darkness. After the darkness left her all alone, Alexa realized that she no longer needed the darkness to guide her path. She started to think that the darkness was only holding her back. That darkness just happens to be “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt.
A few months ago on SmackDown, Bray Wyatt shocked the world when he targeted Alexa Bliss. He had appeared and gave the mandible claw to many of his victims. However, even when The Fiend’s eerie music started to play with Alexa Bliss in the ring, nobody really thought what was about to happen would actually happen.
The next thing you knew, The Fiend grabbed ahold of Bliss and locked in the disastrous mandible claw. Afterward, the Alexa Bliss that we knew before was no more. Many people can say that the Alexa we had before was devious, but this version is devilish. This version of Alexa Bliss is so evil that she was able to double-cross evil itself.
Now, it is arguable that Alexa Bliss, along with her new friend Lily, is more frightening than The Fiend ever was. Alexa is free from The Fiend, but the darkness she claimed to be free from has a larger grip on her than ever before. She stated herself that during Bray Wyatt’s absence, she unleashed something truly evil. Knowing what The Fiend has been capable of doing, it is a scary thought to consider what Alexa believes is truly evil.
At WrestleMania 37, Randy Orton used Alexa Bliss’s distraction to defeat The Fiend. Since then, Randy Orton’s months of torture and mind games seem to have come to an end. Alexa Bliss and “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt are free to move on to their next feud. Which it looks that their next feud would only make sense to be with each other.
In the return of the Firefly Funhouse, Bray Wyatt was disappointed that his friend Alexa Bliss had betrayed him. However, he wasn’t going to let her tear him down. Instead, he claims that he has been reborn, in an over-the-top promo that would rival any southern pastor. The new direction for both of these characters is intriguing and going to be interesting to see.
With The Fiend certainly looking for revenge, The Fiend created the monster that Bliss has become, he will have to be the one to destroy his creation. Alexa is going to need to have something big up her sleeve to survive against an angry fiend. There would not be much bigger up her sleeve than Parker Boudreaux.
One of the newest signings to WWE, “The Destroyer of Gods” Parker Boudreaux has already a lot of hype behind him. The University of Central Florida alumni made his name on the football field. However, his stature and likeness of Brock Lesnar caught the eye of wrestling fans long before he actually signed a contract with the company.
Officially a member of the WWE roster, the door is Parker’s to tear down. He could become the next rookie of the company to pass by NXT and immediately go to the main roster. If so, I believe there is a great way to bring him in. Make Parker Boudreaux, the Destroyer of Gods, Alexa Bliss’s monster to fight off against The Fiend.
Putting Boudreaux right into the midst of one of WWE’s biggest feud is a risk. He is new to the company and the industry in general. However, with the right guidance and training, he could be ready to be the “Next Big Thing” in WWE. With many of WWE’s biggest names retiring and leaving the company, Parker could be the guy of the future.
He is young, strong, and determined to make his name known. With all of the things Parker brings to the table combined, he almost has no choice but to succeed. Although, it never hurts to have a little extra push. Being aligned with Alexa Bliss and placed against The Fiend, we could see Parker arrive on the scene like the Hall of Famer Kane did years before.
This would be a great way to bring Parker’s moniker to life. He would become the “Destroyer of Gods” if he would be able to take down the man formerly known as the “Eater of Worlds.” Parker would earn experience and gain more of a household name with Bliss and Wyatt around him. He wouldn’t have to come out the victor in the end like Kane and The Undertaker once again.
Standing his ground against “The Fiend” would be enough to solidify the young star. And if the WWE decides that Parker is ready and go all-in on him, defeating a former two-time world champion would be a great way to get started. While this is fantasy booking at its finest, Bliss needs somebody to counter Bray. Parker just happens to need somebody as well.