WWE NXT Results: Legado del Fantasma win in main event


The fallout from NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver continues to boil over as the yellow and black brand continues to move forward. This week’s edition of the show featured the return of Adam Cole, along with a big six-man tag team match. This was not all there was to look forward to as much more occurred during the two hours of weekly wrestling action.

The night started with women’s wrestling, and an important match at that as Dakota Kai faced off against Mercedes Martinez.

Martinez started off going right to the power game, but Kai was able to counter without much trouble. Kai tried to pick up the pace, only to be flattened with a spinebuster. Kai was able to land a DDT that helped her take over the match, but Martinez continued to battle back.

Kai got tied up on the top rope, allowing Martinez’s power game to come into play, including planting her with a Cliffhanger. Still, Kai cut Martinez off in the corner, landing a big boot on her opponent’s face. Kai was able to slow down the match, transitioning to a grappling-based attack. The strategy worked but was not enough to keep Martinez out of the match. Even after a Code Breaker within the ropes, Martinez continued to fight back.

It looked like Martinez was building to the victory until Raquel Gonzalez ran in, landing a boot to Martinez’s chest and causing the disqualification.

Mercedes Martinez defeated Dakota Kai via disqualification.

More women’s action was up next, with Toni Storm taking on Zayda Ramier.

Storm went right to work early, beating Ramier all around the ring. Ramier did not have much of a chance the moment the bell sounded. Even when Ramier tried to fight back, she ended up eating a big German Suplex for her efforts.

Storm decided to hit the Storm Zero from the top rope, but Zoey Stark appeared and distracted Storm. That was just enough space needed for Ramier to hit the shooting star press and pin Storm for the big upset.

Zayda Ramier defeated Toni Storm via pinfall.

Bronson Reed was out immediately after as he and Austin Theory were set for a match.

Theory was not able to match power with Reed initially, who moved him around the ring with ease. Theory attempted to use his speed instead, but that did not help the situation at all. But what did help was having Johnny Gargano on the outside of the ring who did just enough to allow Theory to start to land some offense, including a plancha onto Reed outside the ring.

Theory had the advantage, continuing to soften up Reed until he missed an elbow drop. Reed’s strength went back on display, but even after the big power moves, he could not get the finish. Theory hit a big superkick and tried to pick up Reed, only to get reversed and planted on the mat.

The situation would unfold as Dexter Lumis and Indi Hartwell found themselves in the ring, only to be knocked aside. That opened the door for Reed to drop Theory and hit the massive Tsunami from the top to get the win. He now gets another shot at Gargano and the North American title.

Bronson Reed defeated Austin Theory via pinfall.

Tag team action was up next with Killian Dain and Drake Maverick competing against Imperium.

Dain and Fabian Aichner started out the match with Aichner looking to show that he can match strength with Dain. It did not work out so well as Dain tackled him in the middle of the ring. Marcel Barthel then took his shot at Dain and had the same outcome. He was finally able to turn things back into his favor when Maverick joined the action.

Maverick was taking a beating for much of the match, even as he attempted to fight back to get to Dain. Imperium continued to try to separate Dain from Maverick to keep the bigger man out of the match. Maverick nearly made the tag, but Dain was dropped off the apron, allowing Barthel to land a nasty kick to the back of Maverick’s head. Dain would make the save, however, helping Maverick but having issues with Alexander Wolfe outside the ring.

Maverick tried a crossbody off the top but was caught by Aichner who rolled through to hit the Eurobomb, giving Imperium the victory.

Imperium defeated Killian Dain and Drake Maverick via pinfall.

Women’s tag team action was next with Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart against Aliyah and Jessi Kamea. At least that was the plan until Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell jumped them.

The main event of the night was a six-man tag with MSK and Kushida against Legado del Fantasma.

Kushida and Joaquin Wilde started out the match, sticking to their grappling to get things going. Fortunes changed once Wes Lee joined in the match as he took on a lot of double-team offense. When he got to Nash Carter, they were able to get things going again, with all three men getting in on the action.

Carter was in trouble once Santos Escobar entered the match. Carter was then isolated on their side of the ring, allowing all three men to pick him apart. Carter struggled to find the tag but eventually did so to Kushida who went on a rage against all three men. Things would fall apart as Escobar would be put through the table outside and Carter pushed into the steel steps. Then it was Lee in trouble, getting pummeled by all three men.

Even though he was by himself, Lee was able to fend off everyone to get to Carter to make the tag. Kushida was able to drag himself back into the ring, just to get hit with the Phantom Driver. Carter stumbled to his feet and was put down as well, giving Legado del Fantasma the victory.

Legado del Fantasma defeated MSK and Kushida via pinfall.