WWE Raw results: Bobby Lashley defeats Braun Strowman

WWE, Bobby Lashley (Photo credit should read AMER HILABI/AFP/Getty Images)
WWE, Bobby Lashley (Photo credit should read AMER HILABI/AFP/Getty Images)

WWE WrestleMania Backlash is nearing close and another edition of WWE Monday Night Raw goes down to set the stage for the next PPV. Bobby Lashley had to face either Braun Strowman or Drew McIntyre, while Omos and AJ Styles finally rematch the New Day, who they beat back at WrestleMania to win the tag team titles.

The night started out with the new tag team champions, Omos and AJ Styles out to the ring first. That would bring out the New Day who had a lot to say before the two teams faced off for the second time.

Omos started out the match battering Xavier Woods, throwing the smaller man all around the ring then daring former champion, Kofi Kingston to tag in. Styles did all his cheering on the outside until he accidentally tagged in, giving the New Day the opportunity to pounce on him.

With Style in the ring, Woods and Kingston were able to isolate him on their side of the ring. Styles was grounded but kept kicking out of pin attempts from both men. Styles was finally able to land a Pele kick that opened the door to him getting the tag on Omos. He would flatten both men, and Woods tried to fight back but ate a push-kick to the chest. Styles made the tag back into the ring and hit a Phenomenal Forearm off Omos’s shoulders for the victory.

AJ Styles and Omos defeated the New Day via pinfall.

Charlotte Flair was out next for a singles match against Dana Brooke.

Flair started the match trying to bully Brooke who responded with a head scissors takedown and a dropkick. But Flair did not stay on the mat for long, taking advantage. Brooke kept fighting back, but Flair would not relent on her offense.

Brooke looked like she was going to pick up a win, landing the Swanton from the top rope but Flair kicked out. When Brooke went for another handspring, Flair nailed her with a chop block, rolling into the Figure Eight to get the submission victory.

Charlotte Flair defeated Dana Brooke by submission.

Damian Priest and John Morrison were up next for another one-on-one match in their longstanding feud.

Morrison tried to use grappling to slow Priest down early, but that just resulted in him being knocked over the top rope. Priest could not keep that advantage long, as the faster man found a way to knock Priest off his feet before laying into him with elbows and knees. Priest and Morrison would trade high kicks, but it would be Priest dropping Morrison with a foot to the face before landing a clothesline.

The finish would come with Morrison wrapping up Priest and nearly pinning him. But the Miz cost Morrison by distracting the referee, leading to Priest hitting Hit the Lights and getting the win.

Damian Priest defeated John Morrison via pinfall.

Tag team action was up next as Lucha House Party took on Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander.

The match got off to a fast pace, with the first big moment coming with Alexander hitting a big Michinoku Driver for a two-count. Benjamin then tagged in and started putting the hurt on Gran Metalik, slamming him to the mat over and over. Metalik was isolated away from Lince Dorado and paid for it, taking on a lot of offense before fighting out of the corner.

When Dorado was tagged in, he was not able to offer much against Benjamin who continued to put his power on display. But he would take a nasty DDT from Dorado, setting the stage for Metalik to hit the elbow drop off the ropes for the victory.

Lucha House Party defeated Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander via pinfall.

Angel Garza and Drew Gulak had a singles match and Garza came out of the gate with ferocity. He looked like he was going to steamroll Gulak, but the tables were turned, with Gulak grounding Garza with technical grappling.

Gulak fought back for a moment but found himself on the wrong side of the Wing Clipper, giving Garza a one-sided victory.

Angel Garza defeated Drew Gulak via pinfall.

More tag team action was to come, with Matt Riddle teaming with Randy Orton against Elias and Jaxson Ryker.

Orton pounced on Elias at the sound of the bell. Elias fought out of the corner and tagged in Ryker, but he did not fare too much better against Orton. Riddle was in and had Ryker on his heels until both Elias and Ryker teamed up on him, landing a stiff knee to Riddle’s face. They continued to isolate him from the other side of the ring, even hitting a suplex into a backbreaker but Riddle continued to kick out.

Riddle found enough space after landing the Ripcord Knee to tag in Orton. Orton blew through both men, setting Elias up for the draping DDT and the RKO on Ryker. Riddle hit the Floating Bro on Elias and RKBro picked up another victory.

RKBro defeated Elias and Jaxson Ryker via pinfall.

Sheamus welcomed Mansoor to the WWE Raw roster with a single, non-title match.

Sheamus immediately went to the power game, throwing Mansoor to his back multiple times. Mansoor had some fight against Sheamus, knocking the champion back with punches and dropkicks. Still, Sheamus continued to batter the smaller man around the ring. Mansoor was even bounced off the barricade, barely able to crawl back into the ring.

Mansoor would find a way to nearly get a pinfall, after hitting a DDT out of the corner. But he made the mistake going to the top rope, getting flattened onto the back of his neck. Sheamus followed up with a White Noise, but before he could finish the match Humberto Carrillo jumped him, causing the disqualification.

Sheamus defeated Mansoor via disqualification.

The women’s tag team titles were up next, with Lana and Naomi defending against Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax.

The challengers jumped on the champions early, isolated Baszler and nearly pinning her multiple times. They would continue to keep Jax out of the ring early, but Jax found a way to get involved from the outside. Lana nearly had Baszler pinned, but Reginald got involved. Lana would avoid it the first time, but Baszler locked in the Kirifuda clutch to force Lana to submit, retaining their titles.

Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler defeated Naomi and Lana via submission to retain the WWE Women’s Tag Team titles.

The main event of the night brought out Bobby Lashley to compete against Braun Strowman in singles action.

The two big men locked up with neither able to get the upper hand. Lashley was unable to match Strowman’s power early, finding himself knocked from the ring. Lashley returned to the ring and was finally able to knock Strowman down. However, before Strowman could continue to add to the pain, Drew McIntyre came to the ring.

With McIntyre on commentary, the match continued with Lashley firmly in control. Strowman struggled unable to do anything with what the champion was throwing his way. That was until Strowman reversed Lashley with an Electric Chair Drop, going for the pin but Lashley was able to kick out. Outside the ring, Strowman ran into McIntyre, causing the two to scuffle. That allowed Lashley to get enough room back in the ring to hit a spear and pin Strowman, getting the victory.

Bobby Lashley defeated Braun Strowman via pinfall.