It’s the season finale of MLW. We sat through seven months of weekly Fusion shows on Youtube, including two free exclusive events. Since it’s the final episode before they start up again on Vice TV (July 10) this is probably going to be a winner takes all show.
*Looks at the card*
Well…maybe not. It’s three matches of mid to low-level excitement. Lio Rush is facing off against Myron Reed in a rematch for the Middleweight Title as the main event. This is the perfect reflection of MLW’s struggle in this pandemic. Limited roster, limited ring time, and limited opportunities have been against them since November. They fought hard in these conditions and I can only give them my deepest respect and applause for inching away from total non-existence. The indie circuit is getting beaten to a pulp in these conditions.
But there will be some surprises announced in this 58 minute MLW show so let’s take the ride.
Lio Rush threatens to melt the title down into gold once he retires. Myron Reed is played off like Creed coming back after a loss.
Gringo Loco v. Laredo Kid
Laredo has a new Cruiserweight Title. Lio Rush defeated him to take his AAA title, but he complained that he didn’t tap out and he got a new Cruiserweight Title. (Interesting workaround so AAA can save face)
Match Summary: Fast arm drag variations, hurricanranas, and moonsaults
Positives: Great speed. Laredo’s top rope hurricanrana looked good. Gringo Loco catching Laredo Kid’s splash and turning it into an inverted DDT. Strong rope moonsaults from Laredo and Gringo. Gringo is great at catching luchadors off the top rope. Strong top rope hurricanrana from Laredo at 8:30 mark. The belly-to-belly somersault finish.
Negatives: Too much reliance on arm drags (2 minutes of them). Action slows down around the five-minute mark.
Winner: Laredo kid, (after somersault belly-to-belly superplex)
Score: B-
It was a fun exhibition match that showcased MLW’s lucha background.
Alex Hammerstone says Fatu and him need to have a match very soon. He says he is angry that Josef is making him wait. Sounds like Alex Hammerstone is voicing the audience’s thoughts. He claims that Josef is scared of Alex.
The new season of MLW will be in the 2300 Arena before a real audience. In the words of Hawkeye, “Don’t do that. Don’t give me hope.”
Alicia Atout reports that Josef can block anyone he wants from getting a title shot, but the winner of the 40-Man Battle Riot will get an exclusive title shot. MLW will have an open draft next week to confirm who will be in the Riot. This will draw from other promotions.
The Von Erichs get interviewed in Hawaii. Marshall talks about his loss to Tom Lawler last week. He promises a reckoning on July 10th.
Richard Holliday v. Ariel Dominguez
Good Lord! A jobber match on the season finale? Ariel Dominguez didn’t even get entrance music. This robs the Caribbean Title of any importance.
Match Summary: Ariel Dominguez tries some stuff, but Richard Holliday punishes him.
Positives: It was quick (1:35)
Negatives: Richard Holliday and the Caribbean Title deserve much more than this.
Winner: Richard Holliday via The 2008
Grade: D-
Please let squash matches end with the pandemic. They waste the audience’s time and it does nothing for the person they are trying to spotlight. At least Ariel Dominguez can show his family he was on television for a minute.
Richard cuts an interview with Alicia. Gino Medina interrupts it. He surprise attacks Holliday. He DDT’s Holliday into the wooden floor after calling Alicia a dirty name and saying “I quit!”.
Welcome to MLW where the jobber matches are just excuses to give wrestlers backstage stories.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated shows the Top 10 Ranked Wrestlers in MLW
3. Lio Rush
2. Filthy Tom Lawler
1. Alex Hammerstone
Myron Reed v. Lio Rush (MLW Middleweight Championship)
Myron Reed is on fire and I like it. This match is going to be lit.
Match Summary: A great give and take match where both men keep up with each other. Starts with flips and tie-ups, leads to strikes and submissions, and ends with near falls and high-risk moves that elevated both men.
Positives: Lio Rush is a smug bullet of energy. Even his chain wrestling has backflips and kip-ups. Great back-and-forth as each man is evenly matched. Such amazing spin kicks from both men. Myron Reed’s sky-high dive onto the floor looked great. Reed’s slingshot lung blower. An inverted frankensteiner from Lio that was too sweet. Lio’s screwsault. A huge flying cutter getting a 2-count from Myron. Lio reverses a flying dive cutter with another inverted frankensteiner. Myron’s 450 splash.
Negatives: Myron reverses Lio’s middle rope cutter but doesn’t get all of it
Winner: Myron Reed (first-ever two-time middleweight champion), win via the No Cap Splash.
Grade: A-
Such a good match with great hype. Lio is excellent at elevating his opponent. Myron exceeded expectations with his barrage of great moves. This is Lio’s first loss in MLW, which makes the match that much more monumental.
Cut to a cinematic end credits scene where a masked wrestler is shoving around Salina who is tied up. There’s a man behind the desk. El Jefe is revealed. It’s DARIO CUETO! He tells Salina how disappointed he is with her recent losses. He says he will sacrifice her at his temple. He answers the old-style phone and tells a mysterious person that he will be there. Azteca Underground’s logo fades out the show.
Impressions: The last seven months were a mixed bag. Weekly offerings paid off for the middleweight division, which didn’t let up for a second. New wrestlers like Calvin Tankman and Bu Ku Dao show much promise. Tom Lawler had some great heel work and continues to shine. If it wasn’t for the high flyers and Filthy Tom, I would say there isn’t much reason to watch MLW during the pandemic. Alex Hammerstone, Richard Holliday, Low-Ki, King Mo, Fatu, and Hans Krueger were underutilized, forced to fight in jobber matches that did little to give them a spotlight. Every week MLW would tell us how worthy Alex Hammerstone was for the number one contendership, but then would pass him up on any satisfying matches.
MLW is not some dirty bar room federation that can only afford one camera and a dirty mattress for a ring. They are on the precipice of greatness, surpassing ROH in terms of deals and hype. Rumors that Dragongate and Crash Lucha will be working with them is exciting. I can’t wait for next week’s draft.
When MLW goes to Vice TV on July 10th, it will be their chance to convince us that the pandemic curse is over. Upgrade to two-hour shows, start giving your boy Hammer some big boy matches and bring back Low-Ki.