AEW Dynamite: Preview and Predictions for May 19th, 2021

Red Velvet, All Elite Wrestling
Red Velvet, All Elite Wrestling

AEW Dynamite is back this Wednesday night as the build to Double or Nothing continues.  The promotion announced a handful of matches for its upcoming pay-per-view last week and it is very likely that the card will continue to fill out on this week’s show.

With Double or Nothing less than two weeks away, we are starting to get an idea of what the upcoming card will look like.  But there are also a lot more matches that will be added to the card over the next two weeks and we will more than likely get some of those answers on Wednesday night.

While the Casino Battle Royale, Adam Page vs Brian Cage, Cody Rhodes vs Anthony Ogogo, Britt Baker vs Hikaru Shida, and Kenny Omega vs Pac vs Orange Cassidy offer plenty to be excited about, I would expect to get four more big matches officially announced this week as well.

More than likely we will get a response from Chris Jericho that he and the Inner Circle will accept MJF’s terms and we will get a second Stadium Stampede match.

Likewise, something tells me that Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston will be more than happy to accept the challenge issued to them by the Young Bucks last week as Mox and Kingston look to take the titles off the brash champions.

Also, Lance Archer should officially get a shot at Miro for the TNT Title and Darby Allin and Sting will look to exact some revenge on Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page in some sort of tag match.

That will give us nine solid matches for the upcoming pay-per-view show with all four AEW Championships being defended.  It is stacking up to be a very intriguing card.

The announced match card of this week’s Dynamite includes two championship matches as well as a one-on-one clash between two men that have looked really good in the ring over the past month.

Let’s take a look at the announced card and what to expect.

Varsity Blondes vs Young Bucks for the AEW Tag Team Championships

This is another one of those championship matches where the result is a foregone conclusion and the real question is how will this further the storyline between the Young Bucks, Jon Moxley, and Eddie Kingston.

The Varsity Blondes are a super talented, young team.  Their cohesion as a unit grows with each and every match and both Brian Pillman, Jr. and Griff Garrison are a lot of fun to watch perform.  They are strong, agile, and diverse wrestlers and they both have a bright future ahead of them, either as a tag team or as singles competitors.

Pillman and Garrison will have some good moments in this match and the Young Bucks definitely will not breeze through this contest.

But at the end of the day, the true headline here is what happens after the match between the Bucks and their potential opponents at Double or Nothing.  Winners: The Young Bucks

Austin Gunn vs Anthony Ogogo

The son of legendary Billy Gunn and Nightmare Family member, Austin Gunn will do his best to soften up Cody Rhodes’ Double or Nothing opponent, when he does battle with Anthony Ogogo.

The Rhodes-Ogogo match has the least amount of intrigue for me on the upcoming pay-per-view card.  It seems to me that Cody should have been going through the underlings of QT Marshall over the past few weeks culminating with a match between the head of the Nightmare Family and the head of the Factory at Double or Nothing.

The fact that AEW went the other way tells me one thing, Anthony Ogogo is a lot better than we are expecting and we are going to be in for a treat when he wrestles Cody on May 30th.

Ogogo should down Austin Gunn with very little trouble.  It is important to keep Ogogo looking like a monster while showing as little of his repertoire as possible.  The post-match will definitely include members of both factions coming to blows after Ogogo dispatches Austin Gunn with one of his patented shots to the ribs.  Winner: Anthony Ogogo

Red Velvet vs Serena Deeb for the NWA Women’s Championship

Serena Deeb makes her return to the ring for the first time since successfully defending her NWA Women’s Championship versus Tay Conti on January 7th.

Standing across from her will be the female, who along with Tay Conti, has shown the most growth over the past year in Red Velvet.

There is no reason to expect a title change here.   When Deeb drops the title it should be to an NWA talent on an NWA show.

Red Velvet’s last couple of Dynamite matches had her opposite Jade Cargill.   Cargill is brand new to the sport and while she has all the potential in the world, she is still very green, which led to Red Velvet having to carry the match some.

This will not be the case on Wednesday.  Red Velvet will get a chance to lock up with an extremely technical wrestler who can wrestle any type of match you could possibly want and look great doing it.

I really expect these two women to put on one heck of a match, further showcasing just how far the AEW women’s division has come.  But expect the wily veteran to be too much for the young upstart as Deeb retains her title.  Winner: Serena Deeb

Christian Cage vs Matt Sydal

In what will possibly be the main event of Dynamite Christian Cage’s open contract opponent will be none other than Matt Sydal.

I am super excited about this match.  We all know what Christian Cage can do in the ring.  To put it simply, he can do it all.  And anytime Cage is involved in a match it has a strong chance to be the match of the night.

But in what has been an extremely pleasant surprise to me, Matt Sydal has been very, very good over the past couple of months.

Whether he has been tagging with his brother Mike against the like of the Young Bucks and FTR or in singles competition where he has pushed both Cody Rhodes and Kenny Omega to the limit, Matt Sydal has done nothing but impress.

Or to put it more honestly, even in defeat, he has done nothing but impress.

And on Wednesday, it will be a new day, but the same outcome for Sydal.  He will push Christian Cage and look really good doing so.  But he just won’t be able to find that winning combination to get him over the hump.

Christian will continue to build momentum as he heads to the Casino Battle Royale at Double or Nothing as the odds on favorite to win it.  Winner: Christian Cage