WWE NXT: Bronson Reed wins NXT North American title

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WWE NXT continues to feature major moments week after week. This time not only were Bronson Reed, Johnny Gargano, Toni Storm, Zoey Stark, Karrion Kross, and Finn Balor on camera, but WWE Hall of Famer, Ted DiBiase was in the CWC to confront Cameron Grimes.

The night started off with women’s action as Toni Storm and Zoey Stark were the first out to the ring.

Stark jumped on Storm right at the start of the match, pushing Storm back into the corner before knocking her from the ring with a dropkick. Stark was rolling until Storm countered an attempt at a PK on the apron, pulling Stark down and throwing her into the steel steps. Storm was in solid control from that point, stomping away at Stark.

Stark rallied, countering some of Storm’s offense and then laying her out with a kick to the head. But she still struggled with Storm who laid her out immediately after with more forearms to the head, throwing her from the ring once again.

Stark was rolling, getting a near fall on Storm, following it up with a superkick and then a half-and-half suplex. Storm countered, landing a German Suplex and hitting the Storm Zero, but Stark kicked out. Storm’s surprise lasted only a moment, as she broke out another move that no one had seen to put Stark away and pick up the pinfall.

Toni Storm defeated Zoey Stark via pinfall.

The second match of the evening was Cameron Grimes against Jake Atlas. However, Grimes tried to show up Ted DiBiase at the start of the match which gave Atlas the opening to strike.

The two men went back and forth coming out of the commercial, with never able to gain a long-term advantage. Atlas looked like he was going to stay one step ahead of Grimes before he hit a knee to the midsection and followed up with a clothesline. Atlas fought back which resulted with both men exchanging strikes in the middle of the ring. Atlas would take over but could not put Grimes away.

Before Grimes could hit the Cave-In, DiBiase made his appearance known, which opened the space for Atlas to surprise Grimes and pick up the victory.

Jake Atlas defeated Cameron Grimes via pinfall.

Killian Dain and Alexander Wolfe have a bunch of history which led the two men into a singles match on Tuesday.

The two big men went right to exchanging big blows, with Dain backing Wolfe back into the corner multiple times. For a moment, it looked like Imperium were going to get involved and a chair was tossed to Wolfe. Wolfe hesitated to use it, leading to Dain to hit a crossbody, pinning him in the middle of the ring.

Killian Dain defeated Alexander Wolfe via pinfall.

Legado del Fantasma were talked into a tag team affair against Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher.

Ciampa and Joaquin Wilde started things off and Wilde’s act ended up seeing him tossed into the barrier outside the ring. Thatcher then joined the action and continued to batter Wilde until he was able to push his way over to Raul Mendoza to make the tag. Mendoza had some offense going, but it was not long before he found himself in Thatcher’s grip.

There was a moment of chaos in the ring as all four men started battling it out, leaving them all on the mat. Ciampa found his way alone in the ring with both opponents and smashed them both in the corner with clothesline after clothesline before laying them out together. Mendoza’s nose was busted open but that did not stop him from going blow for blow with Ciampa.

With Thatcher back in the ring the intensity continued to climb, but Mendoza kicked out of another pin attempt. He would even fight out of the Fairy Tale Ending, dropping Ciampa and getting the tag to Wilde. The complete breakdown of the match almost led to Wilde being pinned off the Willow’s Bell, but Mendoza broke up the pin. Grizzled Young Veterans got involved and gave Legado del Fantasma the space needed to get the victory.

Legado del Fantasma defeated Tommaso Ciampa and Timothy Thatcher via pinfall.

Aliyah had a singles match against Sarray. Sarray attempted to show some respect to start the match and Aliyah responded with a kick to the stomach. That set Sarray off until Jessi Kamea got involved on the outside. Aliyah was rolling until Sarray started to answer her with strikes of her own. From that point it was not long until Sarray planted Aliyah on her head with a suplex to pick up another victory.

Sarray defeated Aliyah via pinfall.

Hit Row was out next against Tony Nese and Daivari in tag team action. Adonis and Top Dollar were running through their opponents, even as Daivari attempted to fight back. It was easy pickings for Hit Row as they picked up the pinfall win.

Hit Row defeated Daivari and Tony Nese via pinfall.

The main event brought a steel cage down onto the ring for a battle between Bronson Reed and Johnny Gargano for the NXT North American title.

Gargano immediately tried to escape through the door, but Reed caught him, overpowering the smaller man.  Reed would then bounce Gargano all around the ring, using him to test out the strength of the cage fencing. Gargano attempted to slingshot into the ring and Reed capitalized on it, hitting a DDT in the ring. Gargano hit a big moonsault off the fence, but Reed quickly answered using the cage to set up a slam of his own.

Gargano continued to attempt to ground the bigger man, but Reed had an answer for everything, eventually launching him face first into the cage again. Reed even landed a big Samoan Drop off the second rope. Reed attempted to climb the center of the ropes, but Gargano used that to hit a powerbomb on the bigger man, nearly pinning him for the win. Gargano attempted to use One Final Beat but was caught in the steel cage, messing up the attempt. However, Reed was unable to crawl out of the ring and when he turned around Gargano landed the DDT, again nearly securing the win. Austin Theory attempted to stop Reed multiple times, but that did not help the situation as Reed turned around and hit the Tsunami from the top rope to pin Gargano, becoming the new NXT North American champion.

Bronson Reed defeated Johnny Gargano to become the NXT North American champion.