Another action-packed episode of NJPW Strong. This is The Road to Ignition. Last week, Filthy Tom retained his Strong title from Chris Dickerson.
The main event is a tag team between Danny Limelight/Kratos and Karl Fredericks/Satoshi Kojima.
Recap to Adrian Quest’s betrayal from episode 39.
NJPW Strong: Kevin Knight v. TJP
Summary: Both men go for the jockey dance at the start. TJP waste’s no time going for the lucha cartwheels and head scissors. Kevin slows things down with a headlock with his legs. A sweet scoop slam from Knight to stop TJP. TJP turns the match up a notch with a slingshot senton. Knight answers back with a spinning backbreaker. TJP gets Knight on the floor and misses a Swanton. TJP ends the match with an ab stretch.
Positives: Knight’s power scoop slam. Knight has some good power throws. TJP has great cartwheels.
Negatives: The match had a weird spot where Knight kept putting TJP’s head in between his legs. The move of the day is leg locks on the head and both men fill the match with them. The ab stretch is TJP’s finishing move?
Winner: TJP via the ab stretch
Grade: C
The match was short and I can’t tell if they needed to end it early or if they had planned for TJP to win with an ab stretch. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good ab stretch, but probably not TJP’s favorite finishing move.
Some major air on that dropkick ✈️
— NJPW of America (@NJPWofAmerica) June 5, 2021
Watch #njpwstrong now on @njpwworld!#njignition
NJPW STRONG: Adrian Quest v. Barrett Brown
Summary: Barrett Brown attacked Quest a few episodes back, so this will be a grudge match. Brown comes out with Bateman in his corner. Quest goes for the elbow and collar. Brown goes for the ear. Quest keeps knocking Brown out of the ring, where he runs to Bateman for safety. Quest hits a tornado body splash from the third rope. Brown catches Quest on the ropes and spins him to the floor. Brown begins the torture of punches and kicks. Quest goes for a surprise rana and rollup for 2. No dice, Brown connects with a snap suplex on the floor. Quest almost doesn’t make the 20-count. Brown puts Quest on the turnbuckle, but Quest turns it into a springboard rana. Quest goes on the offense with a spin kick and a 360 flip. Quest is on fire with his shooting star press. Brown lands a shotgun dropkick for 2. Quest reverses a spin kick with a German and a standing sunset flip. Brown can’t seal the deal with a shining wizard, getting only a 2 count. Quest hits a tiger driver and goes to the top rope for his corkscrew. Bateman distracts him, giving Brown enough time to escape. Brown hits a rollup for 3.
Positives: Bateman is in Barrett’s corner, which is a good look for him. This match had great grudge psychology. Barrett as a heel is fun to watch. Adrian’s move set of ranas, corkscrews, and spin kicks looks great.
Negatives: No complaints
Winner: Barrett Brown via the schoolboy rollup
Grade: A-
I can already tell this will be my favorite match of the evening. There was a great story behind the match and both men gave it their all. The Bateman distraction at the end was perfect for a future grudge match.
Backstage: Quest complains about getting swerved. Fred Rosser comes out and tells him he has his back for future matches.
Suplex on the mats!
— NJPW of America (@NJPWofAmerica) June 5, 2021
Watch #njpwstrong now on @njpwworld!#njignition
NJPW STRONG: Danny Limelight/Kratos jr. v. Karl Fredericks/Satoshi Kojima
Summary: This is the Strong debut of Satoshi Kojima. Kratos and Kojima are up first. They dance around the ring. Kratos fakes a handshake and starts with a kick to the breadbasket. Kratos bowls over Kojima with a shoulder charge. Fredericks is in with some softening punches and kicks. Kratos bests him with strong attacks. Limelight is in and he goes for the gut with kicks and punches. Karl becomes the whipping boy to both opponents. Limelight hurts Karl’s neck with a spinning neckbreaker, while Kratos hits a vertical suplex. Finally, Karl hits a suplex to stop Danny in his tracks. Kojima is in and he starts chopping up the offense. Kojima hits a top rope elbow for a 1- count. Kratos wins back the match with a power slam. Kratos hits a deadlift to a brainbuster for a 2-count. Kojima blocks a clothesline and hits the Koji Cutter. The pin is broken up by Limelight. Limelight goes for the attack, but Kojima turns him upside down with a lariat. Karl is in. He and Danny Limelight go toe-to-toe. Karl hits a spinebuster, but Kratos breaks it up. Kojima is thrown over the ropes. Limelight hits a springboard double stomp on Karl for 2. Both men go for their finishers, but it is Karl who goes for the half-crab. Danny taps.
Suplex on the mats!
— NJPW of America (@NJPWofAmerica) June 5, 2021
Watch #njpwstrong now on @njpwworld!#njignition
Positives: This match put Karl in a great light for his number one contender match with Tom Lawlor. The angle of Kratos and Limelight being the torturer was exciting to watch. Kojima was a good asset to the match even if he did not get much ring time.
Negatives: Kojima did not get much ring time.
Winner: Karl Fredericks via the half-crab submission
Grade: B+
A good exhibition to get fans craving more from Karl Fredericks. Kojima standing in his corner helped his image.
After the match: Kratos attacks Kojima. Both men need to be separated by the ring crew. They tease a rematch between Kojima and Kratos. I guess Brody King and Kratos aren’t feuding anymore?