PAC: AEW’s most complete performer awaiting his opportunity

All Elite Wrestling
All Elite Wrestling

PAC still awaiting his rise to the top despite being the most complete wrestler in AEW.

An unforeseen 2020 changed a lot for everybody in the world. And it did more than we can ever imagine when it comes to professional wrestling. To think that on March 4, 2020, that a mere 10 days later everything would change to the point that the newly formed group of All Elite Wrestling, Death Triangle, wouldn’t be seen or heard from for eight months is absolutely insane — but it happened. That change has not only derailed the rise of AEW’s most complete wrestler PAC but has left him without true direction since returning.

It’s time that changes.

“The Bastard” has shown time and time again that when he is given an opportunity, he is going to hit a home run with that chance. Look at his insertion into the AEW World Championship match at Double or Nothing. There’s a very good chance that was never supposed to happen but an injury forced a change and allowed PAC to shine in a world title match. He only added emphasis to the match with the promo he cut leading up to the match, making it abundantly clear that he was going to do everything in his power to end The Elite.

For a man who came into the company and defeated Kenny Omega in his first official match at the first-ever All Out event, defeated Hangman Page on the first-ever Dynamite, and went to a time limit draw against future AEW World Champion Jon Moxley, you’d think he would have more to show for it. Seeing that this is the Omega who is the current world champion, Page who was fresh off a match to become inaugural world champion, and was the only blemish of Moxley’s record for the majority of his first year in the company, PAC deserves a lot more than what he has got.

Fans are hoping that eventually, Death Triangle will win some sort of trios championships when they are introduced. Truth be told, that is a travesty if that is all they are waiting to do with PAC. There’s too much talent being wasted to simply be awaiting a pair of trios titles. That can be said about all of Death Triangle, but especially the man who gravity once “forgot.”

Think back to the time that PAC was in WWE after all. It felt he was being wasted as Neville, regulated to just 205 Live and the Cruiserweight division. And while he was indeed being wasted and not used to his full potential, at least “The King of the Cruiserweights” gave himself some direction. Being the guy who has to lose via Brandon Cutler’s camera to the back of his leg is not something anyone could have envisioned for a man they call “The Bastard.”

PAC’s absence from the month of March to November is, of course, a major reason as to why he has been lapped by the likes of Miro, Orange Cassidy, and Eddie Kingston. That’s understandable, but for the most part besides being seen as one of the absolute best in AEW notably by the commentators, he has nothing on the horizon that excites anyone. Getting back at The Young Bucks? Sure, but he has already lost in tag matches with both Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo, meaning that winning those tag titles is likely out of the question.

Following the loss at Double or Nothing, his hopes of winning the world title are also out of the question for the time being. So what does AEW’s best overall competitor do next?

Defeat Miro for the TNT Championship.

Miro is being built as “The Final Boss” of AEW. Every single win is of pure dominance with little chance of anyone coming close to beating him. He destroyed Darby Allin for it and has made examples out of Dante Martin, Evil Uno, and Lance Archer. No one has come close to give him real trouble, let alone coming close to taking the TNT Championship away.

Enter PAC. This is the route to go in an effort to refind what is right. The story writes itself. To WWE castoffs who were underutilized and now thriving in AEW. Miro can make the point that PAC was supposed to be in the position that “The Best Man” is as champion, making PAC a disappointment at this time. Not only would that anger “The Bastard,” but bring the best out of him. PAC not only should be the one to slay “The Final Boss.” He should go on to have a record title reign after the fact.

Someday, the Death Triangle leader will be AEW World Champion. His talent guarantees that. However, a historical run with the TNT Championship seems like the right way to go with him to get him back to the top-tier status that he rightfully deserves.

PAC is one of the best in the world and very well the best in AEW. Soon enough, no one will be able to deny that truth as he runs AEW once and for all. It’s only a matter of time.