Top 5 AEW wrestlers of 2021 so far – Men’s Edition

All Elite Wrestling
All Elite Wrestling
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All Elite Wrestling
All Elite Wrestling

2. Nick Jackson

I promise you, this is not a slight. In fact, this can be considered a Young Bucks entry. Sorry, Matt Jackson. You’re amazing.

What I love most about the Young Bucks is how committed they are to being douchebags. They’ve been so good since they turned heel. Not that they weren’t good before, as the tag title match with Jericho and MJF proves, but heel Bucks are the best Bucks of all the Bucks, in every conceivable way.

The expensive shoes, the stupid facial hair, their bits on BTE where they say “… we can do this now that we’re heels.” I’m all in for all of that.

While some people may consider it exposing the business or some might consider BTE a bit too much, I feel they have an audience that absolutely adores them. It’s probably the reason why they win the Wrestling Observer Newsletter Award for Best Tag Team every year.

Most of all, their matches. Heel Bucks give everything to the babyfaces in their matches. Their match with Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley was perfect pro-wrestling. It was the best tag match I’ve seen all year, and it was in no way a spot fest.

AEW has the best tag team wrestling in the world and the Bucks are a big reason for that. Matt Jackson deserves all the praise in the world for his expressions and his charisma and his mic skills. But, Nick is the real hero in my eyes.

When it comes to in-ring ability, Nick Jackson can rival any other wrestler in the world.

He performs other-worldly maneuvers at the speed of a million miles an hour, and he rarely, if ever, fails to make an impression.

His incredible selling is being highlighted more now that he’s bumping like a madman for all the faces in AEW. Words cannot do justice to Nick’s talent, but matches can. So, go watch literally any single of the Bucks’ tag title matches this year, and be prepared to be amazed by Nick Jackson.