MLW: 4 things Battle Riot III did right

MLW LOGO. Courtesy MLW
MLW LOGO. Courtesy MLW /

Before Battle Riot III, MLW has had its ups and its down, but nothing has tested it like operating under the pandemic. For eight months, the company had no audience, a smaller studio, and a chopped-up taping schedule. When they had their pandemic season finale in May, it seemed like the company was a ghost of its former self.

But when they came back to the 2300 Arena with a sold-out crowd, everything changed. The excitement was elevated, the crowd was ecstatic, and the wrestlers had new life in their eyes.

Battle Riot III, the match the show is named for, is MLW’s 40-man battle royale to determine who will get a heavyweight title shot against Jacob Fatu. This was also a showcase for their brand new, refurbished roster. There was only one match in the Battle Riot III, but it was 85 minutes of pure entertainment. Here’s why you should watch the free event on Youtube.

These are the four things MLW got right at Battle Riot III

1. Zenshi was amazing!

Zenshi did not have a chance to shine at all during the eight-month pandemic programs. Instead, he was the jobber to help guys like Calvin Tankman and King Muertes get over. Battle Riot III was proof that he was so much more. Zenshi was one of the first luchadors out into the riot.

While in the ring with 14 other men, he was able to hit a backflip double Pele Kick, an airplane rana, and takes an awesome bump that sends him into the crowd. One of MLW’s proud contributions to wrestling is its love of the luchador style. Every luchador that entered the riot did an exceptional job getting the audience on their feet, but Zenshi hit the ground running.

2. LAX starting off the show

One thing MLW did not have during the pandemic was good heat between wrestlers. The talent could not really be together in the same ring all the time because of the chopped-up taping schedule.

But Battle Riot III started off with some awesome heat, as Myron Reed and Jordan Oliver of Injustice had a stare-down with LAX’s Rivera and Slice Boogie. LAX made such good heat and the audience loved their reckless street style. It was perfect for the 2300 crowd. Later in the riot, Myron Reed and Oliver were able to knockout Rivera and Sliced Boogie, and their adversaries took them out as well. This is setting up a great future match between Injustice and LAX.

3. Ej Nduka (The Judge) and other newcomers

Ej Nduka was easily one of the tallest men in the ring, and that is saying something next to Alexander Hammerstone and Calvin Tankman. His imposing figure and mad dog attitude took out 12 men in the riot.

Not only was he built up to be a wrecking force, but he even got into a mini-feud with Calvin Tankman. MLW, without a doubt, has the most diverse set of wrestlers of any wrestling company right now, from Lee Moriarty, Bu Ku Dao, Kevin Ku, Ej Nduka, Zenshi, Slice Boogie, Arez, LA Parka and so much more.

It’s impressive that MLW is living up to their name that they have every fighting style known to pro wrestling in their ring.

4. Von Erichs and Hammerstone vs. Contra

One of the coolest moments of the show was when every wrestler was eliminated except the Von Erich brothers, Alexander Hammerstone, and the members of Contra. Then, Contra — Simon Gotch, Ikuro Kwon, Josef Samael, Hans Krueger, Davairi, and The Sentai Death Squad — descended on the heroes. It was something out of a superhero movie.

Contra is one of the best heel stables today, being a mix of The Four Horsemen and The Ministry of Darkness. Everyone eliminated each other until only Hammerstone and Kruger were left. This grudge match was a long time coming and it ended with satisfaction.

Hammerstone got his revenge on Krueger after months of abuse and the crowd went wild. There was no doubt that Hammerstone was going to win the riot, but the way they handled it was cinematic enjoyment.

Next. Why Calvin Tankman is the heavyweight to watch out for. dark

Watch Battle Riot III for free on YouTube