AEW Rampage results: The Lucha Bros Advance to AEW All Out

All Elite Wrestling
All Elite Wrestling

Tonight, AEW Rampage had the finals of the tag team tournament to determine the number one contenders to the AEW World Tag Team Championship, featuring The Jurassic Express facing off against the Lucha Brothers.

The show started quickly with the Jurassic Express making their entrance, before jumping to the introductions.

The Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) w/ Marko Stunt vs. The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix) w/ Alex Abrahantes

Fenix and Jungle Boy started the match with an incredible exchange where each guy got some offence, but neither were able to maintain it for long. Fenix tried to run up the ropes into a lucha armdrag, but Luchasaurus shoved him over, but he fell backwards onto the ropes, bounced back up, then kicked Luchasaurus and flew with an armdrag on Jungle Boy. That was beyond incredible.

When they came back from the ad break, Fenix and Jungle Boy hit stereo dives on each of their opponents. Luchasaurus made the hot tag and got a near fall on Penta. Fenix responded with a sole butt on Luchasaurus and hit a frog splash in tribute to Eddy Guerrero. Jungle Boy hit a poison rana on Fenix, and then managed to turn a Tiger Driver into the Snare Trap, but Pentagon kicked Jungle Boy right in the head to break it.

Pentagon hit Made in Japan on Jungle Boy, but didn’t get the pinfall. Rey Fenix hit a hurricanrana off the top rope on Jungle Boy that sent him crashing into everyone on the floor. Luchasaurus couldn’t get the match back under his control, and Pentagon hit a diving Canadian Destroyer on the apron on Jungle Boy for Fenix hit a slingshot Canadian Destroyer on Luchasaurus for a 2 count!

The Lucha Bros then hit a combo Fear Factor on Luchasaurus, which was very impressive, and they managed to score the pinfall over the Jurassic Express.

Result: The Lucha Bros

Rating: **** (4 stars)

This was a tremendous tag team match, though not the ending I expected. I was thinking they were going to have the Jurassic Express win the tournament and win the tag titles at All Out from the Young Bucks, but a match with the Lucha Bros will be absolutely fantastic.

They had a ladder match the last time they faced off, and it was one of the best tag matches I’ve ever seen, so I expect this cage match will be way up there as one of the best cages matches ever, but we shall see.

A hype video aired for the match between CM Punk and Darby Allin at AEW All Out, ending with Punk’s question on Dynamite, “Can you still be the best in the world?” echoing as he stood in the ring at his return. This video was amazing.

Miro made his entrance down to the ring, but he dragged Fuego del Sol out to ringside, throwing him down the ramp and into the ring. Tony Schiavone was chased away by Miro as he stood over Fuego.

Miro said he would forgive Fuego for accepting a contract he didn’t deserve, and ripped his mask off before kicking him in the head. Eddie Kingston’s music hit, and he looked like he was going to talk, but Kingston dropped the mic and ran down to the ring before hitting an Exploder Suplex on Miro.

Referees ran down to the ring as Kingston went for a DDT, which has proven to be trouble for Miro recently, and the fans chanted about letting them fight as the refs managed to pull them apart. This was a fantastic little angle that sets up the match between Miro and Eddie Kingston soon for the TNT title (hopefully at AEW All Out?).

Tay Conti (The Dark Order) vs. The Bunny (The Hardy Family Office) w/ The Blade

Bunny attacked Conti before the bell rang, and hit a running elbow in the corner. She then hit a running knee for a 2 count. Bunny choked Conti on the ropes and then hit a clothesline for a 2 count. Conti managed to drive Bunny’s face into her knee before hitting a big slam.

Conti hit three pump kicks in the corner, Shibata style, before hitting the TayKO. Conti superkicked Bunny, but was distracted by Penelope Ford, who came down to ringside before Bunny punched Conti in the face with brass knuckles that The Blade hander her.

Result: The Bunny

Rating: *1/2 (1.5 stars)

This wasn’t a very good match. It was far from horrible, but slightly below average. Conti looked good with her offence in the match, and she also sells well. The Bunny was simply fine. The match fell apart a little bit towards the end, and the transition into the distraction seemed a bit jarring, but regardless, the major story coming out of this match was that the Bunny now has an ally heading into the Women’s Casino Battle Royale at AEW All Out.

Mark Henry was back for the split-screen interview with Kenny Omega and Christian Cage. Omega talked about how he was convinced that the tag match he was going to have tonight against Christian and Frankie Kazarian was going to end with him hitting the One Winged Angel on Cage.

Christian commented that he was the first person to pin Kenny Omega in nearly two years, and that he was the person who was in Omega’s head, and tonight he was going to pin Omega again, leading into their match at AEW All Out, because Christian had his number. Two good, short promos here that establish the story they were trying to tell.

Kenny Omega & Brandon Cutler (The Elite) w/ Don Callis & Michael Nakazawa vs. Christian Cage & Frankie Kazarian

Kazarian started the match with Cutler, and Kazarian threw him around the ring like a rag doll before literally throwing Cutler at Omega. Omega reluctantly tagged in and attacked Kazarian when Nakazawa grabbed Kazarian’s foot. Kazarian managed to hit a Russian leg sweep on Omega before tagging out to Christian, and Omega backed away in fear and tagged out to Cutler.

Cage beat on Cutler for a bit before tagging back out to Kazarian, who hit his springboard legdrop on Cutler. Christian went to the floor with Cutler, but Nakazawa hit Christian with a laptop. Kazarian came around the ring and threw Nakazawa into the crowd to get rid of him, but Omega was able to cut Christian off with a clothesline on the floor, and then Omega began his assault on Kazarian in the ring.

Omega tagged Cutler in, and he goofed off as the geek comedy heel, attacking Kazarian, but this did not work out well for him. He missed a hilarious elbow, and Kazarian tagged out. Christian came in and Cutler ran towards the corner, but Omega hopped off the apron.

Omega went for the One Winged Angel on Christian while he was distracted by Cutler. Christian slipped out and punched both men before hitting a reverse DDT on Omega as Cutler dived to make the save, but missed completely.

Omega posted Christian, but after he missed a V-Trigger and nailed Cutler instead, Christian went for the Killswitch. Omega dropped down and fled from the ring, leaving Cutler alone with Christian, who hit the Killswitch on Cutler instead, pinning him and facing off with Omega as the show went off the air.

Result: Christian Cage & Frankie Kazarian

Rating: ***1/4 (3.25 stars)

This was a fun little tag match to close the show, and furthered the story that Kenny Omega is now afraid of Christian, as Christian was able to defeat him for the Impact World Championship.

Show rating: *** (3 stars)

This was a very fun episode of AEW Rampage, with some great promos, and several stories being advanced before AEW All Out. I was genuinely surprised by the Lucha Bros winning the tag tournament, but I’m not unhappy with it. The match was fantastic, and it continues the trend of the last few weeks of AEW putting the best match on the show first, as that is when they will likely get the most viewers.

Having Kenny Omega and Christian in the main event didn’t hurt either, as that was a good way to end the show. I really have enjoyed the last three weeks of AEW Rampage, as it’s such an easy-to-watch show that furthers the storylines, but doesn’t overstay its welcome at all.