AEW Dynamite and Rampage: Grand Slam Predictions

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Rampage: Grand Slam predictions

Anna Jay vs. Penelope Ford

I appreciate the fact that there are currently multiple women’s feuds throughout the faucets of AEW programming. It’s something that was a major issue for a while, but it seems to be improving within the last few weeks.

This Jay/Conti/Ford/Bunny dynamic is clearly leading to a big tag match between the two groups of friends, which is why I think Penelope Ford steals a win here with a distraction from the Bunny, setting up that tag match.

Prediction: Penelope Ford

Lucha Bros & Santana And Ortiz vs. Private Party & The Butcher and The Blade

This match was made after the Lucha Bros’ title defense on last week’s Rampage. When Private Party went to beat down the champions after retaining in a match against The Butcher and The Blade, Santana and Ortiz made the save.

This will be a fun eight-man tag, although it doesn’t have much substance behind it. I see Lucha Bros/Santana and Ortiz winning, and then moving into a program against each other.

Prediction: Lucha Bros & Santana and Ortiz

Chris Jericho & Jake Hager vs. The Men Of The Year (Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky)

I’m so excited for this bout due to the simple fact that Jericho won’t be on commentary. Although, I wouldn’t put it past him to mic himself up during the match just because he’s Chris Jericho.

I’m of the mixed opinion about the Dan Lambert/Men Of The Year stuff. Lambert shouldn’t rant about short wrestlers when one of the guys he’s managing is 5’ 10”.

Dan Lambert aside, Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky need this win. Hager could easily be the scapegoat in this match, but I don’t see this program going further than this match.

Prediction: The Men Of The Year (Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky)

Lights Out Match – Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston vs. Suzuki Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Lance Archer)

AEW continues to prove week in and week out that when they make a mistake, they make the absolute best out of it.

While I didn’t think the “Suzuki Incident” was that big of an issue, it likely was a factor in bringing us this match and I will never complain about any match that involves Moxley and Suzuki in the same ring.

Due to the fact that this is a Lights-Out match, I don’t see Suzuki Gun losing. Mox/Eddie will take the loss without it blemishing their respective records.

Prediction: Suzuki Gun

CM Punk vs. Powerhouse Hobbs (w/Hook)

CM Punk’s second match back is against a guy who had a win/loss record of 9-11 in 2020. That stat alone is a testament to how quickly AEW can make somebody important and relevant on their roster.

It’s also a testament to just how freaking good Team Taz is.

I have a deep feeling that Hobbs could actually win this match, as Punk seems to be extremely focused on putting guys over rather than being on top. I still think the match could go either way, but I’m going to play it safe and go with Punk as the winner.

Prediction: CM Punk

The Superkliq (Adam Cole & The Young Bucks) vs. Christian Cage, Jungle Boy, and Luchasaurus

If people thought the Bucks’ Tag Team Championship run was bad, wait until they see what the Superkliq does. I have a feeling that the Superkliq could easily be the first AEW trios champions.

There isn’t much doubt in my mind about this result, I think Adam Cole needs to be built up as one of the top stars in the promotion. Eventually, I think he’ll turn on The Bucks but first he’ll enjoy a good run with them at the top.

In my opinion, there’s no benefit for a Cage/Jungleboy/Luchasaurus victory here. The winners are more clear than any match on the card(s).

Prediction: The Superkliq