AEW: Full Gear Results: “Hangman” Adam Page takes title

AEW, Hangman Page Credit: All Elite Wrestling
AEW, Hangman Page Credit: All Elite Wrestling /

The final Pay Per View of AEW’s calendar year has been one of the most anticipated matches of the year, mostly due to the implications of the show’s Main Event between “Hangman” Adam Page and AEW World Heavyweight Champion Kenny Omega and whether Page would get his moment and win the championship. Despite this, the show is loaded with matches and it will be interesting to see how the show would go down. Here are the results for tonight.


Thunder Rosa & Hikaru Shida vs Nyla Rose & Jamie Hayter

Thunder Rosa starts the match off before Shida and they dominate the initial proceedings on Nyla before the Native Beast hits a double suplex. She tags in Jamie and they dominate Rosa in the corner. Jamie in order to build to Shida’s hot tag. She dropped Jamie, but Nyla hits the low bridge on her after she ran the ropes. Nyla and Jamie proceeded to dominate the match while Serena Deeb was looking from the crowd. After Rosa hit a crossbody on Hayter on the outside, Shida countered Nyla’s Beast Bomb to a jack-knife cover for the pinfall victory.

Thunder Rosa & Hikura Shida defeat Nyla Rose & Jamie Hayter via pinfall

Main Card

MJF vs Darby Allin

The two pillars start brawling before Darby backs MJF into the corner and MJF drops Darby with a punch and throws him out of the ring before, proceeding with a clothesline outside. Darby gets back in the ring and hits a suicide dive and proceeded to throw MJF to the steps before both went back to the ring. MJF stretched Darby, but he got hit with a kick which was countered with a backbreaker from MFJ for a near fall.

After that, MJF sent Darby into the corner before the former TNT Champion reversed an Irish-whip, but the Salt of the Earth hit a backbreaker into a slam for another near fall before Darby countered a superplex. Allin would counter a top rope tombstone into a stunner before both exchanged punches until Darby headbutted MJF, but he would be hit with a gnarly powerbomb-knee combo from  MJF, leaving him laying. comes back with strikes and MJF powerbombs him for a deep two count. MJF put Darby in a sharpshooter before Darby chop blocked MJF before he got stomp his arm before Darby locks in a Figure Four and MJF reverses the pressure before Darby gets to the ropes for the break. Darby countered another suplex into several pin attempts for a series of near falls before going up the top, but MJF rolled out of the ring which Darby answered with a Coffin Drop onto MJF on the outside.

Shawn Spears and Wardlow would come out before Sting attacked both of them with his small bat from behind. In the end, MJF hit Darby with his ring behind the referee for the pinfall victory. A great opener for a good show.

AEW Tag Team Championship Match: Lucha Bros (c) (Pentagon Jr & Rey Fenix) vs FTR (Dax Hardwood & Cash Wheeler)

The second match of the card was the bout pitting Pentagon Jr and Rey Fenix against the team of Cash Wheeler & Dax Hardwood for the AEW Tag Team Championships. The match started with Fenix and Cash, but FTR took over for a good portion of the start before Pentagon Jr got the tag and hit a pair of Sling-Blads on both Cash & Dax. FTR would take over for a brief moment and would try to suplex Pentagon Jr, but Fenix would save his brother and would regain dominance before Pentagon & Rey Fenix did a double Submission on both members of FTR.

Fenix and Pentagon showed out on this match and FTR were great dance-partners for the Mexican Tag Team, but it definitely felt like they could have done more to take this match to a higher ceiling. In the end, Lucha Bros would hit a variation of a Fear Factor on FTR for a near fall, but Pentagon would connect Cash Wheeler with a Package Piledriver for the decisive win. A great match, but it could have been better. Lucha Bros will challenge FTR for the AAA Tag Team Championships on AAA’s big show “TripleMania Regia” on December 4th, so we could see the ultimate version of this match there.

Lucha Bros defeat FTR via Pinfall, retain AEW Tag Team Championships

AEW World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender’s Match: Bryan Danielson vs MIRO

The next match was a #1 Contender’s Match between “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson against Miro. Miro and Danielson locked up to start the match by locking up before the Bulgarian Brute shoved Danielson to the ground. This would be the story of the first act of the match, as Miro dominated Bryan to a full extent and it seemed like it would be a quick fashioned win for the former TNT Champion. Instead, Danielson dropkicked Miro to the guardrail to gain momentum and would regain control of the match, but Miro would continue to power out off Danielson’s offense on a constant basis.

In the end, the story of Miro in AEW would be the thing that would cost him, as he would be hit with a slightly off-placed DDT from the top turnbuckle before Danielson would leave Miro unconscious with a Guillotine Choke for the submission win, as a very nice callback from Danielson to the way he lost his last WWE match against Roman Reigns back in May. A great match and a great way to keep both guys extremely strong.

Bryan Danielson defeats Miro via Submission

Falls Count Anywhere Match: SuperKliq (Adam Cole, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) vs Christian Cage, Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy

Up next, we saw the SuperKliq face-off against Jurassic Express and Christian Cage in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. This match was very long but very fun, but it felt like 5-10 minutes could have been shaved off from the total runtime of the match. There were some great bits of storytelling from the performers, including a spot where Luchasaurus did a Shooting Star Press from the stage onto the Elite posse, including Brandon Cutler and Nakazawa, and a spot where Cage dived onto the SuperKliq from the Rafters into the crowd. In the end, Jungle Boy hit a Con-Chair-To on Matt Jackson after Christian Cage tried to do so, sowing the seeds for a possible storyline between Cage & Jungle Boy. It will be interesting to see what happens from now on.

Jurassic Express & Christian Cage defeat SuperKliq via Pinfall.

PAC & Cody Rhodes vs Malakai Black & Andrade El Idolo

Up next was PAC & Cody Rhodes facing Malakai Black & Andrade El Idolo. I wish I would add a long review of the match, but this was a “Can They Coexist?!” Match with four extremely talented wrestlers trying to put in the work. Cody Rhodes has been, unfortunately, stuck in a middle ground where he cannot win against a new star nor can he lose again as he lost 4 matches this year, which is a lot considering the losses between the top stars of the company.

The match did showcase a lot of cool moments, most of them involving PAC being the ultimate underdog and the ultimate evil human in AEW and it ruled, but the current state of his tag partner did not do him justice. PAC hit the Black Arrow on Andrade for the Pinfall win, but FTR and Tully Blanchard came to ringside to attack Cody Rhodes with Malakai Black for the post-match angle. This match was alright, but it should have been placed on either Dynamite or Rampage. The crowd was not as invested with this match as others, and the placement did not do the performers justice.

PAC & Cody Rhodes defeat Andrade El Idolo & Malakai Black via Pinfall

AEW Women’s Championship Match: Dr. Britt Baker, DMD (c) vs Taynara Conti

Unlike the previous match, the crowd was well behind Tay Conti vs Britt Baker for the AEW Women’s Championship. The reason for it was not because of the story leading to the match, but because Tay Conti put in the work to make sure the crowd was behind her and everything was done in the match. It helped that the crowd sympathized due to the interference of Jamie Hayter and Rebel, but it allowed to make Tay’s comeback even more palpable.

In the end, Baker hit Tay Conti with a roll-up after the challenger countered the Lockjaw multiple time, leading to the Pittsburg native retaining the title. This was a solid match, but let’s hope the Women’s Division gets to have more of a chance to shine after this match.

CM Punk vs Eddie Kingston

Up next was one of the fastest built-matches on the card, but also one of the most anticipated matches of the night as CM Punk faced Eddie Kingston in a brutal singles match. The match started off intensely as Kingston hit Punk with the Backfist, starting the match with hot intensity. Punk and Kingston would brawl until the Mad King hit Punk with a suplex, which was proceeded by Punk hitting his opponent with a diving Lariat. Things would get bloody really quick as Kingston slammed Punk into the post, making him bleed buckets of blood from his face.

Kingston would proceed to get some of the blood in Punk’s forehead and paint his face with it, similar to when Jerry Lynn did the same in his match against Steve Corino on ECW HeatWave 2000, but he would be hit with a slam and a top-rope dive onto the Mad King. Both would go back inside and continue to punch each other in the dome, leaving Kingston laying and Punk teasing with doing the “U Can’t See Me” on Kingston, a move infamously utilized by his old rival John Cena. Punk would hit Eddie Kingston with a Go To Sleep and would complete the pinfall victory. After the match, CM Punk tried to adhere to the Code of Honor with Eddie, but the Mad King would walk out of the ring instead. This match was outstanding, and the Match of the Night.

CM Punk defeats Eddie Kingston via Pinfall

Minneapolis Street Fight: American Top Team (Andrei Arlovski, Junior Dos Santos, Ethan Page, Scorpio Sky & Dan Lambert) vs Inner Circle (Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Jake Hager, Santana & Ortiz)

This feud is finally over.

There was a 10-minute portion of the match where it was going down as a normal Tag Match, but then everything broke down and it lead to some wild lunacy on the match. There wasn’t much interest in this match as the feud has been lackluster, but Dan Lambert did end up getting his come uppings by Chris Jericho, who would hit the 3-Amigos and Frog Splash for the victory as a tribute to Eddie Guerrero on the 16 Anniversary of his tragic passing. It was a touching moment, but the story behind the match was poor.

Inner Circle defeats American Top Team via Pinfall.

Jay Lethal is All Elite

After this match, it was announced by Tony Schiavone that Jay Lethal had signed with All Elite Wrestling. Lethal then proceeded to challenge Sammy Guevara for the TNT Championship, and Guevara confronted Lethal at the end of the segment. It’s a decent signing, but not ideal considering the talent available from Ring of Honor and other companies.

Main Event

AEW World Heavyweight Championship Match: Kenny Omega (c) vs Adam Page

In the Main Event, “Hangman” Adam Page challenged Kenny Omega for the AEW World Heavyweight Championship. This match was the result of 3 years of build, focusing on the fall and rise of Hangman and if he could be able to climb to the other side of the mountain and become the World Champion for once and for all, but in front of him was his former Tag Team Partner and ultimate Final Boss Kenny Omega. The destination was known, but it was a matter of whether or not we would see Hangman reach his destiny.

Both exchanged words heavily before they connected chops and headlocks on each other before Page hit a running clothesline on Omega. Unfortunately, Don Callis would interfere on multiple occasions, interfering and attacking Page on multiple connections, which hampered the flow of the match but would allow for Kenny to get full control of the proceedings. Omega connected Page with a Tope Conjiro (named Rise of the Terminator) to the outside on Page and would try to go for a senton – Moonsault offense, but Page would put his knees up and connect the Fallaway Slam from the top rope (or as I like to call it, the Bandido Special).

As Page would start to take control, he would connect the referee with a Buckshot Lariat, leaving him laying for the rest o the match and replaced by Aubrey Edwards. This also leads to Page punching Don Callis, eliminating him for the rest of the match, and hitting Omega with a Deadeye for a near fall. Omega would hit a series of V-Triggers before going for the One-Winged Angel, but Page would hit him with the move instead for an extremely close near fall. The Young Bucks would come down to the ring and rather than interfere in the match, Matt Jackson would just nod at Hangman, leading to the challenger finally connecting the Buckshot Lariat on Omega for the pinfall victory. Page finally got to ascend to the top of the mountain and is in the place of being the top star in the company, and he worked his way to get there and it is more than deserved. After the match, the Dark Order came out and held Hangman on their shoulders in celebration as the sad Cowboy finally became Champion.

Such good Cowboy S**t!

“Hangman” Adam Page defeated Kenny Omega, becomes the NEW AEW World Heavyweight Champion.

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