Booking NXT 2.0’s women’s division around Toxic Attraction is the right move

WWE is making the right decision to feature Toxic Attraction at the top of the NXT Women’s Division.

Since the rebranding of NXT, Mandy Rose, Jacy Jayne, and Gigi Dolin have managed to become three of the brand’s most prominent superstars. Together, they make up the three-woman stable known to the wrestling world as Toxic Attraction.

At the time of writing this article, they hold every title available in NXT’s women’s division; as Rose is currently the NXT Women’s Champion while Dolin and Jayne are the tag team titleholders.

As with all things WWE, this decision to book Toxic Attraction as the crème de la crème so early on is met with its fair share of love as well as its fair share of detractors.

Although NXT has now been repackaged as NXT 2.0, there are a great number of fans who still hold a special place in their heart for the black and gold era.

Consequently, this new direction the brand is going in isn’t what some of the old-school NXT fans want to see.

NXT (black & gold) had its own unique identity. While Smackdown & Raw represented the bright lights, glitz, and glamour; the black & gold brand was raw, gritty, and dark. That era in NXT, those matches, the moments, that time, and those superstars will never be replaced and/or replicated by anyone or anything.

But with all that being said, the question is why try? Moreover, why start a new era in NXT just to copy what it once was? If that was the intended purpose, wouldn’t it have been easier to keep things the way they were?

Toxic Attraction leads the way for the new era of NXT

Toxic Attraction may not be what comes to mind when you think of NXT a few years prior, but they don’t need to be. If NXT is now 2.0, then establishing a fresh, new dominant heel stable the fans want to see eventually get what’s coming to them isn’t a bad idea.

Now, this doesn’t mean Team TA should just start taking a crap on everyone else in the division, whilst embarking on a dreaded reign of terror.

Eventually, seeing the trio dominate everyone with no answer would get old. When things get old and gimmicks get played out in WWE, wrestlers tend to get boring. When they get boring, yet still manage to take up a lot of TV time, this sometimes incites a type of heat from the fans that no wrestler ever wants to receive.

Go away heat.

Luckily for Toxic Attraction, things haven’t gone left so far. Hey, they even get a nice reception from the audience when they make their entrance, despite being portrayed as heels.

That’s always a good sign.