AEW Rampage: Jurassic Express retain in wild main event

All Elite Wrestling
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This week’s AEW Rampage comes to us from Raleigh, NC.

Ahead of his big match against CM Punk (thanks to MJF), Shawn Spears will face North Carolina’s own Andrew Everett.

On Dynamite, Alex Reynolds and John Silver answered Christian’s challenge for Jurassic Express to face a Top Five tag team. Silver asked them if they wanted to “have a date with their fists.”

SuperKliq and Best Friends continue their ongoing feud by having Adam Cole and Trent Beretta represent their respective factions in a one-on-one match.

“Legit” Leyla Hirsch kept Red Velvet from getting the pin in their match on Dark Elevation and has been having issues with Kris Statlander. Can they co-exist as they take on the team of Nyla Rose, The Bunny, and Penelope Ford?

Adam Cole vs. Trent Beretta

Cole was flanked by the Young Bucks, reDRagon, and Dr. Britt Baker. Beretta was joined by the extended version of Best Friends. Beretta started off in control with a bunch of forearms and knocked Cole to the outside. Cole focused on the surgically repaired neck of his opponent. Cole got his revenge and took Beretta down. Once back in the ring, Cole was firmly in control. He got Beretta to seek refuge on the outside and set up for a Panama Sunrise, which was reversed. Beretta was thrown into the barricade.

During picture-in-picture, Cole continued to dominate his opponent. After the break, Beretta was able to fight back with punches and a deadlift German suplex. Beretta hit an avalanche brainbuster and Cole followed up with a backstabber. Beretta and Cole traded a half and half and a backbreaker.

On the apron, Beretta nailed a piledriver. Cole followed that with a destroyer, but Beretta kicked out. Beretta kept fighting back and paid with a Superkick. Beretta reversed the Panama Sunrise with a Storm Zero.

SuperKliq and Best Friends started fighting on the outside. Cole low-blowed Beretta, followed that with a flying leg to Beretta’s neck to get the pin.

Adam Cole defeated Trent Beretta via pinfall.

Shawn Spears vs. Andrew Everett

Spears had an intricate opening with his chair before continuing to the ramp. He was followed by WARDLOW. Andrew Everett didn’t get an entrance. He hit a shoulder tackle on Spears and went for his patented springboard, but Spears hit the C4 and got the win. The match was about as long as a women’s match on Dark Elevation.

Spears cut a promo on CM Punk and asked if he’s really best in the world. He said he’s The Chairman for a reason and discussed his 20 years in wrestling. The fans chanted for WARDLOW. This promo was longer than his match.

Shawn Spears wins via pinfall.

The Acclaimed had a music video mocking Sting and Darby Allin.

Nyla Rose, The Bunny, and Penelope Ford vs. Red Velvet, Kris Statlander, and “Legit” Leyla Hirsch

The video ended and went straight into the women’s match with no entrance. Hirsch tagged herself in and went up against Nyla. Statlander tagged herself in to face The Bunny. They exchanged strikes and Statlander hit her with a powerslam. Statlander and Red Velvet worked together on The Bunny. Hirsch was tagged in and she worked well with Red Velvet. Hirsch refused to tag in Statlander. Red Velvet tagged herself in, but Nyla knocked Hirsch and Statlander off the apron.

In picture-in-picture, The Bunny and Ford took turns beating up Red Velvet. After the break, Red Velvet kicked out from Nyla. Statlander ran through Ford and knocked The Bunny off the apron. Statlander nearly pinned Ford and then Ford gouged her eyes. Statlander put Ford in the Spider Crab. Vickie distracted the ref while The Bunny kicked Statlander.

Statlander hit the Blue Thunder Bomb on The Bunny, but it’s not enough. Hirsch tagged herself in and they pushed each other. The Bunny pushed Hirsch into Statlander and pinned Hirsch.

The Bunny, Penelope Ford, and Nyla Rose defeat Leyla Hirsh, Red Velvet, and Kris Statlander via pinfall.

Promo with Men of the Year on Cody. Sky declares that he’s the face of TNT.

Starks had been talking about Jay Lethal commentary, which leads to Lethal to challenge Starks for the FTW Title. They have to be kept apart by refs.

Jurassic Express vs. John Silver & Alex Reynolds

Evil Uno and Anna Jay accompanied Silver & Reynolds to the ring while Christian is in the champions’ corner. Silver and Reynolds are on a 10-match win streak.

Jungle Boy and Reynolds started off the match evenly matched. Jungle Boy did his usual flippy stuff before Luchasarus tagged in. He isolated Reynolds in the corner for the champs take turns controlling the Dark Order member. Reynolds finally tagged in Silver, who stopped Jungle Boy and got in Christian’s face. Silver caught Jungle Boy’s tope sucida and Reynolds assisted his partner with a tope suicida of his own.

During picture-in-picture, Silver and Reynolds isolated Jungle Boy. He briefly fought his way out of the corner, only for the duo to isolate him again. After the break, Luchasaurus is finally tagged in and hit stereo splashes on Silver and Reynolds. Luchasaurus chokeslammed Silver on top of Reynolds.

Jungle Boy is tagged in, but Silver fought both of them and took them down. Reynolds set up for the Doomsday Device, but Jungle Boy escaped. All four men are in the corner and Jungle Boy hit an avalanche suplex. Jericho called it a “total extinction.” All four men make it to their feet.

Reynolds and Silver take down Luchasaurus with combination kicks. Reynolds hit a Stunner on Jungle Boy, nearly pinning him. Jungle Boy hit a clothesline on Reynolds and a hurricanrana on Silver onto Evil Uno. Jungle Boy followed with a destroyer. The champs take down Reynolds and Jungle Boy hit a tope suicida on Silver while Luchasaurus got the pin.

Next. 2021 Moment of the Year: CM Punk returns to wrestling. dark

Jurassic Express defeat Silver and Reynolds via pinfall.