AEW Dynamite comes from Washington, D.C. tonight and kicks off with the returning Jon Moxley. This is Moxley’s return to the company for the first time in three months. He makes his way through the crowd and into the ring to cut a promo. The pop he got was huge.
Moxley grabs the mic and tells a story about how he was on the side of the road and his face was bruised and cut up. He described it as a “demon” that followed him around his whole life. He tells everyone that he has scars and his scars tell his story and that they make him who he is.
Moxley says that people can doubt him, but he tells them that they can shove it up their butts and says he doesn’t run from demons, he beats the hell out of them. Moxley then thanks everyone for having his back and says 2022 is going to be a wild ride and that he is truly free.
Mox says he has been to hell and tells anyone that he’s thirsty and you thought he was dangerous before, but these days all he drinks is blood. It was nice to see Moxley back and doing what he does best.
We see a promo cut by MJF in the back. He says that last week was an abomination. MJF takes a cheap shot on Wardlow and says that he should have reversed the pin on CM Punk and not lost that match. MJF apologizes to Wardlow and says that he lost his cool last week and it’s not okay. MJF then says unfortunately, he has to dock Wardlow’s pay.
Orange Cassidy and Kris Statlander vs Adam Cole and Dr. Britt Baker, DMD
Adam Cole makes his way out first and gets a great pop. He is followed by Dr. Britt Baker, DMD and then Orange Cassidy and Kris Statlander make their way out to the ring. The match starts off with Baker and Statlander. Baker immediately tags out to Adam Cole and Cole returns the favor by immediately tagging in Baker.
Cassidy hits his famous kicks on Baker, Statlander then comes in and hits a power slam onto Baker. Baker then tags in Cole who gets taken out by a cross body by Cassidy. The two then exchange offense and Cole rolls out to the floor to regroup.
Statlander hits a moonsault onto Baker outside the ring and Cassidy just falls on Cole to take him out. However, Cole and Baker superkick their respective counterparts on the other team and take control of the match for the majority of the rest of the match with Cole grounding Cassidy.
The two then hit a double clothesline on each other that knocks both men down. They both tag out and Statlander takes the fight to Baker. This leads to Statlander attempting to pin Baker but she kicks out at two. The two then tag out again and Cassidy and Cole are the legal competitors again.
They start exchanging blows almost immediately but Cole is able to gain the upper hand. Baker made the blind tag on Cole and hit the stomp on Cassidy. Statlander comes in and attempts a top rope move onto Baker but Cole protects her and Statlander hits an Area 451 onto both of them.
Cassidy then tags in and takes the fight to Cole again. Cole rolls out of the ring and Cassidy attempts to jump over the top rope but Cole lands the superkick onto him. Baker hits a Canadian destroyer onto Statlander on the entrance ramp. Cole hits the Panama sunrise onto Cassidy and goes for the pin but Cassidy kicks out.
Cole and Baker then move the time-keeper’s table outside the ring but Cassidy accidentally sends Baker through the table. Cole low-blows Cassidy and hits him with the knee to the back of the head. Cole pins Cassidy to pick up the win for his team in a solid match.
Winners: Adam Cole and Dr. Britt Baker, DMD
After the match, Cole tends to Baker who is laying on the ground through the table still. Jericho, Santana, and Ortiz are then seen getting interviewed backstage. Jericho says that Eddie can GFY. Santana and Ortiz then stick up for Kingston and blame Jericho for the reason they aren’t the champions.
Adam Cole is then seen being interviewed. He grabs the mic and says that Orange Cassidy has been a thorn in his side for far too long. He challenges Orange Cassidy to a no DQ, light’s out match at Beach Break. Cole says he will end his career next week.
CM Punk vs Shawn Spears
Shawn Spears makes his entrance first followed by CM Punk. MJF then makes his entrance to the announce table to do commentary for this match. Punk hits a GTS on Spears right away and pins him. The match probably lasted 30 seconds.
Winner: CM Punk
After the match, MJF sneaks into the ring and tries to attempt to attack Punk from behind. Punk turns around too soon and catches MJF. He holds MJF by the scarf and goes to punch him but MJF ducks and gets out of dodge.
Billy Gunn is seen backstage confronting Christian Cage. Gunn says that his boys should get the next shot at Jurassic Express for the AEW Tag Team Championships. The Gunn Club then attacks Christian Cage from behind and leaves him laying on the ground.
Cody Rhodes makes his entrance into the ring in his return to AEW since being out with COVID. Rhodes pulls out a ladder and sets it up in the ring. Rhodes references the CM Punk pipebomb and says that was the first hint at a revolution. He also calls CM Punk’s return the comeback of the decade.
Rhodes says that he did everything when Punk left. He says he carried the company and says he won’t turn heel because the fans cheered him when he needed it the most. He then speaks about the forbidden door. He says that he was the one who built the door. Cody says he doesn’t want to see the Bucks beat the developmental, reDRagon more than once.
Cody references all the horrible renaming in the business as well. He also name-drops Brodie. Cody challenges Sammy Guevara to a ladder match next week at Beach Break. Another week of Cody teasing a heel turn.
Tony Schiavone is seen interviewing Jade Cargill. Cargill announces that she will defend her TBS Championship against Anna Jay most likely it will be on Friday night on AEW Rampage.
Kings of the Black Throne vs Varsity Blondes
House of Black makes their entrance first. followed by the Varsity Blondes. Brody King and Griff Garrison start off the match for their respective teams. Black quickly tags in and takes the fight to Griff. Brody then makes another quick tag and enters the match. Pillman Jr was scared to do the springboard and this caused him and Garrison to fight outside of the ring.
Brody King takes out Garrison on the outside of the ring and House of Black takes out Pillman Jr. Brody pins Pillman Jr in a short match after Malakai and Brody hit their finishing move onto Pillman Jr.
Winner: Kings Of The Black Throne
After the match, Malakai Black grabs the mic but gets interrupted by Pac who’s on the screen. Pac says that Malakai is just the same as every other person in AEW, self-obsessed and power-hungry. Pac says he will make a martyr of Malakai Black.
We see Cutler with the Cutler cam. Roppongi Vice interrupt and say they are getting tired of losing to The Elite all the time. They challenge the Young Bucks to a match this Friday night on AEW Rampage.
Lance Archer vs Frankie Kazarian
Lance Archer is accompanied by Dan Lambert and Jake Roberts into this match. Archer quickly takes the elbow strike and knocks Kazarian to the mat. Archer hit the clothesline on Kazarian from the back and quickly takes control of the match.
Kazarian tries to fight back in the match but to no avail. Archer uses his size to just completely destroy Kazarian. Archer goes for a chokeslam that Kazarian is able to counter out of but Archer still is able to remain on top.
Kazarian gets some nice offense but unfortunately to no avail. Archer hits the chokeslam on Kazarian. Archer then hits his finishing move on Kazarian to pin him for the victory.
Winner: Lance Archer
Tony Schiavone interviews Dan Lambert after the match. Lambert then grabs the mic and says that Hangman Page isn’t made for this and then cuts his normal type of promo. Archer grabs the mic and says he will show him what he’ll do to Hangman.
Archer then attacks Kazarian more on the entrance ramp and goes to chokeslam him on the chair, but Hangman makes his way out to make the save for Frankie Kazarian. The two start exchanging blows. Archer then picks up the chair and goes to hit Hangman but Hangman hits Archer with the belt first.
Hangman goes for the lariat on Archer but Archer reverses but Hangman is able to take the fight to Archer and sends him out of the ring. We see Dante Martin getting interviewed with Lee Moriarty and Matt Sydal. Moriarty and Sydal say that they have Martin’s back until his brother returns. We then see Starks and Hobbs in a separate promo and Starks says not to trust anyone.
Tony Schiavone is seen interviewing Kris Statlander and Red Velvet. They get interrupted by Legit Leyla Hirsch. Hirsch blames Statlander for their loss on Rampage. Hirsch takes out both Velvet and Statlander.
Skye Blue vs Serena Deeb
The match starts off with a collar-elbow tie-up which Deeb uses her strength to get the upper hand quickly in the match. Skye Blue is able to show some impressive offense but Deeb gains the upper hand again and controls a majority of the match.
Deeb locked in her finishing move on Blue and made her tap to end the match. The match was a very short one.
Winner: Serena Deeb
Dan Lambert, Ethan Page, Scorpio Sky are seen cutting a promo backstage. Ethan Page announces that he is facing Jon Moxley on AEW Rampage on Friday. We then see highlights of Roppongi Vice and the Young Bucks first match in Japan and a promo video for Hook who is wrestling on Rampage as well.
The Acclaimed vs Darby Allin and Sting
The Acclaimed make their way to the ring first. They are followed by Darby Allin, and then Sting. The Acclaimed take the fight to Sting and Darby before they even get in the ring. Bowens hits Darby with a chair on the outside of the ring.
Max Caster wraps a chair around Darby’s head and Anthony Bowens. sends him into a ring post on the outside. Darby had to be tended to at ringside. The match is now Sting vs The Acclaimed in a handicap match. Sting takes the fight to both members of The Acclaimed and is able to send Caster to the floor while fighting Bowens in the ring still.
Sting beats up on Caster and Bowens on the outside of the ring and throws them both back in the ring. He hits the Stinger Splash on Caster and then goes to hit Bowens. Bowens moves and removes the buckle and Sting hits the steel. The Acclaimed control the match now and Sting is on his own out there.
Sting locks in the Scorpion Death Lock on Caster but Bowens breaks it up with a kick. Bowens hits Sting with a toolbox outside the ring while Caster distracted the ref. Darby makes the save for Sting and takes out Caster. Darby throws Sting into the ring and makes the tag himself.
Darby throws Caster in the ring and takes the fight to Caster. Darby then locks in a hanging guillotine on Caster but Bowens is able to tag in and make the save. Caster hits a mic drop on Darby but Sting is able to break up the pinfall. Sting jumps onto Caster from the entrance ramp and goes through the table.
Darby hits a stunner on Bowens in the ring followed by a coffin drop. Darby is able to pin Bowens to pick up the victory for his team. The show ends with Sting and Darby posing in the ring.