The Independent Wrestling legend known as Ruthless LaLa


For the last nineteen years, many talents independent wrestling have paved the way for the new generation. This has included changes that made the independent wrestling circuit a home with more opportunities than ever before.

There have been many names including LuFisto, Amber O’Neal, and Kacee Carlisle who have helped pave the way for the independent women’s division over the years. There has been another individual who became the invisible hand of both independent and mainstream wrestling, she goes by the name Ruthless LaLa.

For nineteen years, LaLa has been an underrated influence on women’s wrestling. Even as LaLa goes through the hardest trials she has ever faced in her life, she still managed to maintain her status as a measuring stick for the stars of tomorrow.

Ruthless LaLa has been an underrated influence for Independent wrestling.

All these years, Ruthless LaLa has taken pride in having perhaps the most lethal lariat in wrestling. She developed a brawling style early on in her career that earned her both fear and respect. Through the years, LaLa has been nothing short of an influence, where stars who faced her went through changes that eventually would lead to their future success.

Ruthless LaLa has gone against the likes of Jordynne Grace, Savannah Evans, Tasha Steelz, and Diamanté to name a few. All of her matches consisted of LaLa putting them through the test through her brawling style.

With all respect to these individuals for what they are capable of, LaLa had no time for antics. She got right to the point in each match and wrestled each match like it was her last. This showcased these individuals’ toughness in the ring as they looked to not only make a name for themselves but go against someone with a relentless spirit and desire to not hold anything back.

This has been confirmed since Tasha Steelz would go on to be a two-time knockouts tag team champion and win the first-ever knockouts Ultimate X match. Jordynne Grace would go on to win the Impact Knockouts, Digitial Media, and Knockouts tag team championship.

Diamanté has gone on to be one of the most feared competitors to appear on AEW Dark and the independent circuit. Savannah Evans built a reputation centered around her being one of the strongest well-rounded wrestlers capable of punishing her opponents in many ways on Impact wrestling.

All of those athletes before or as they started their rise all went through a match against Ruthless LaLa. Every time these individuals wrestle, they stand for what LaLa has emphasized all these years about toughness and being able to withstand anything.

LaLa has even gone against the future of women’s wrestling including Savanna Stone and Kenzie Paige. They were not exempt from getting a taste of LaLa’s tough respect as they went against her. Both stars have made great moves and passed the test that they can survive anything after they went against her in the ring.

Recently, LaLa had to take a step back from professional wrestling, and there was a void from her missing presence. As wrestling has continued to evolve with new opportunities, the one thing missing has been the nineteen-year veteran giving a respectful beating to the new generation of stars.

She has gone through numerous health issues that have made it harder for her to keep going. It got to a point that, for the first time, even Ruthless Lala herself had more questions rather than answers. LaLa focused on other endeavors besides wrestling, which made it clear the severity of the health problems she was going through.

She’s the kind of wrestler to sleep off any pain from a brutal match and then go searching for her next challenger the next day. Anyone familiar with her knew it was concerning that she was gone and didn’t mention anything about her future at the time.

It has been well over a year, the longest hiatus she has ever taken from wrestling in all her nineteen years and there were still a lot of questions and not many answers. Even with the influx of talent, no one can be the ultimate test for future stars of tomorrow like LaLa.

Eventually, Lala started to talk more about stepping in the ring again. It got to a point LaLa even cut a whole promo from the hospital bed as she endured her ongoing health problems. That moment during a broadcast that a few fans witnessed will forever be a reminder that not even health problems were going to keep LaLa down.

She has continued to make moves with a high ambition to return to the ring and pick up where she left off. Even though she has been away from the ring, her mission has remained the same, a beatdown with a lariat to take someone down respectfully.

She will continue to be the invisible hand of independent wrestling and continue to separate the wheat from the chaff when she makes her return soon. Fans should stay tuned for Ruthless LaLa matches because the matches she has today have an influence on wrestling for tomorrow.

Next. Independent Wrestling spotlight with Billie Starkz. dark

Follow Ruthless Lala on Twitter for all the latest updates and content that she has available. This includes the road to her comeback in the independent wrestling circuit in the near future. Stay tuned to see it all unfold firsthand.