Impact Wrestling spotlight: Discovering and learning about Chris Bey


Chris Bey is one of the special talents of Impact Wrestling who made an impact early on in a short period of time. Before he got signed, Chris introduced himself to fans using the power of social media and prepared fans for his quick rise in Impact Wrestling.

Chris Bey’s journey to greatness in Impact Wrestling.

When first hearing about Chris Bey, it was through Twitter. There have been lots of wrestlers to connect with fans by this point, but when Chris Bey did it, it felt different. He introduced himself in a way that forced fans to think about where he would end up in the near future.

Chris Bey gave fans a taste of what he can do in the ring. By that point, lots of independent wrestlers opted to utilize that strategy to get themselves out there, but it’s not easy grabbing some fan’s attention, especially when dealing with the independent circuit since many will not focus unless it’s mainstream.

There is always that hesitation as a fan initially, but that hesitation turns into excitement as some fans add wrestlers to the list of who they want to watch. Chris made it easy since he always had fresh content on social media.

Some time went by, and fans realized that this isn’t any ordinary wrestler who connected with us on social media. He was very open from the very beginning with his experiences in the ring and building himself up as a competitor. His agility and innovation were on full display and more fans took notice as it became word of mouth about his ability.

At this point, Chris sold himself completely to those he has followed. In terms of using social media, it has been a perfect home run and he won us over with his pitch. That’s not an easy thing to do with fans, but he managed to do it by displaying who he is as a competitor, and fans he connected with were sold on it all the way.

Not long after, Chris Bey moved on to Impact Wrestling. It became a standard to have familiar faces from the independent wrestling circuit appear on the brand. Chris showed comfort from the very beginning and made himself right at home in the Impact Zone.

That comfort got him very far as he eventually won the X-Division championship from Willie Mack at Slammiversary 2020. The match exhibited an element of Bey’s durability against a notorious competitor who is known for quick power moves, it was the biggest test in Bey’s young career.

Bey gaining such a prize like the X-Division title in a short amount of time since his debut in 2017 became a testament to him making himself known. Most fans already knew Bey has zero problems making himself known

Above all else, Bey won his first major title on arguably one of the biggest stages of the year besides Bound For Glory. Bey wasn’t lost in the shuffle and immediately chased the X-Division title. Even though he came up short, he didn’t lose his energy and momentum.

That momentum eventually caught the attention of a higher-up power in professional wrestling known as Jay White. He earned a spot as the first African American member in the Bullet Club and it didn’t necessarily change his direction, but it accelerated.

Bullet Club has essentially left its own unique mark in the whole wrestling world from New Japan to AEW. This historical reach for such an influential organization has only been seen once before with NWO.

All the talk has been about the forbidden door in wrestling, and Bullet Club knocked the door to the ground. This presents even more opportunities for Chris Bey and unlimited possibilities of what could happen for the young superstar.

No wrestling fan knows what to expect next from Bullet Club and in turn, no fan ever knew what to expect from Chris Bey. It’s the perfect union when there are truly unlimited possibilities of what Chris Bey can do with Bullet Club.

Next. The Crockett Cup is back on March 19 and 20 in Nashville, Tennessee. dark

Chris Bey is just getting started when it comes to Impact Wrestling and beyond. His bold approach when it came to showing fans who he is as a wrestler has paid off in every way. Fans will surely buckle up as Chris Bey takes them on a ride they have never seen before on Impact Wrestling.