Bron Breaker & Tommaso Ciampa vs. Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler
There’s no recap package tonight. The show kicks off with Bron Breakker and Ciampa taking on The Dirty Dawgs; Robert Roode & Dolph Ziggler.
Ciampa & Breakker aren’t waiting for the bell to ring for this one, as they jump the dawgs before they can even enter the ring.
The match finally gets underway. We get a little teamwork from Ciampa and Breakker on Ziggler. Ziggler shakes things off and hits an early match Zig Zag, but it isn’t enough to get the job done.
As the match progresses, you can’t help but love the crowd’s reaction to Roode and Ziggler being on NXT. They borrow a line from The EST and remind The Dirty Dawgs that they “don’t go here.” You got to love it.
The NXT fans make it known that they want Ciampa, they soon get Ciampa. He gets in some offense, but it doesn’t take long for Ziggler and Roode to cut the ring in half and isolate him. Classic tag team wrestling at its finest.
We come back from that dreaded picture/picture break to Ciampa still being isolated.
Ciampa is finally able to get a little bit of a break from the onslaught, but just as he’s about to make the tag to Bron, Roode yanks the NXT Champion down.
Ciampa finally makes the hot tag. Bron comes in like a house of fire. He does damage, then tags Ciampa back in. After a bit of a struggle, Ciampa finally hits Ziggler with The Fairy Tale Ending for the win.
.@NXTCiampa & @bronbreakkerwwe stand tall on #WWENXT @HEELZiggler @RealRobertRoode
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) March 2, 2022
The Grayson Waller/LA Knight Segment
No full-length TV entrance for Knight, but he’s in the ring and he’s got something to say about Grayson. LA runs down he and Waller’s history. It dates all the way back to Halloween Havoc if you can believe that.
It doesn’t take too long to hear Waller’s rebuttal. LA can’t hear it though because… What? Apparently, I can’t hear it either because LA got bleeped out.
Anyway, LA Knight wants a last man standing match with Waller. Waller accepts. Looks like we’ll be getting one final blow-off match before this feud reaches its end.
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) March 2, 2022
Next week on #WWENXT!
Wendy Choo & Dakota Kai vs. Persia Pirotta & Indi Hartwell
The camera cuts Toxic Attraction Before the match begins just like last week. They’re still heeling it for the camera. They’re also still watching the Dusty Rhodes Classic by way of their Toxic Lounge.
Wendy and Persia start it off. Choo locks in a sleeper but it has little to no effect. Indi gets the take. She does some damage, but Wendy is able to power her back to the other side of the ring. She tags Kai, but it’s a blind one. Kai doesn’t seem to be paying much attention. Considering She’s going bat crap crazy, that makes sense.
Kai still proves to be a prominent part of this match. By that, I mean that she doesn’t let her crazy affect her performance.
After a modified Vader bomb type move from Wendy and Foot Stomp from Kai, the unlikely team picks up the win.
🤯@therealestwendy & @DakotaKai_WWE advance to the next round in the #DustyClassic! #WWENXT
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) March 2, 2022
Amari Miller vs. Lash Legend
Amari starts off with a blitz of fast-paced strikes. Lash counters by overpowering her much smaller opponent. From a storytelling standpoint, this makes sense. Lash is the heel, after all.
Amari got some offense, But Lash gets the win. We get a mic’d up Lash talking wreckless in regards to that Nikkita Lyons debut last week.
.@nikkita_wwe who? @lashlegendwwe is ready to take the spotlight.#WWENXT
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) March 2, 2022
Gunther vs. Solo Sikoa
Gunther definitely has the upper hand in the stages of the match. There weren’t any lock-ups or tie-ups to start things off in this one. Just strikes. Can’t say anyone should be surprised.
Vic states that
Gunther has had an answer for everything Solo is dishing out and that sums this match up perfectly, thus far.
Solo finally gains some momentum.
soon rolls to the outside. Solo hits an apron style Uso Splash.
Solo attempts another splash inside the ring but
Gunther rolls away.
After two sets of powerbombs… Gunther picks up an impressive victory. Still not sold on that name.
Absolutely no shame in a loss after a match like that! Wow! #WWENXT
— Shawn Michaels (@ShawnMichaels) March 2, 2022
Harland vs. Draco Anthony
Well, this one should be inducing. Draco slaps on a headlock for all of two seconds. Harland powers out of it. Draco gets smacked around for a bit before he manages to fire back with some offense and knock the big man down. Draco gets flattened and the match is over before it really even had a chance to begin. Harland wins.
Hardland stands Draco up after the match and gives him a hug. And the whole thing just looked downright disturbing to watch. Kudos to Harland for making it that way.
.@harlandwwe continues to impose his will on #WWENXT @JoeGacy
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) March 2, 2022
Raquel Gonzalez and Cora Jade vs. Yulisa Leon & Valentina Feroz
Jade is in there for a cup of coffee before she tags out to Ms. Gonzalez. Leon and Feroz team up to take her down, but Big Mami Cool proves to be too powerful. Feroz takes to the air and boy does she ever. Nice springboard!
Jade and Gonzalez win the match after a pretty unique double-team move. If you’re in the mood for a short match, that is still entertaining, this one is certainly what you’re looking for.
And yes, of course. This match featured cameos from Mandy, Gigi, and Jacy.
.@RaquelWWE & @CoraJadeWWE are moving on!#WWENXT #DustyClassic
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) March 2, 2022
Von Wagner vs. Andre Chase
This match surprisingly went a lot longer than some would think. If you thought these two had a 30-minute knock-down-drag-out classic, then you’d be wrong. If you thought Andre Chase pulled off some fluke upset victory, you’d be wrong. But still, the match had its moments. Wagner wins, though.
A lesson for @bodhihaywardWWE, don't step to @RobertStoneWWE with @WWEVonWagner around.
— WWE (@WWE) March 2, 2022
Pete Dunne vs. Carmelo Hayes (North American Title Match)
The two start off with a collar and elbow. A little feeling each other out follows that. It ends with a clothesline courtesy of Hayes.
Some vicious hard-hitting shots from both Hayes and Dunne follow that.
Dunne seems to be fixated on Hayes’ arm. In other words, vintage Dunne.
It’s an even match so far, but as Wade puts it, this is a battle of style and finesse vs. brutality for Hayes and Dunne respectively.
.@Carmelo_WWE gets caught!#WWENXT #NXTNATitle @PeteDunneYxB
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) March 2, 2022
As the moves forward, you can audibly hear a “fight forever” chant from the NXT Universe. Sweet!
We soon get a battle of submissions that transcends into Trick getting on the top rope and getting his hand all kinds of messed up. This distraction is enough for Hayes to regain the upper hand via pushing Dunne off the top rope and hitting him with the Leg Drop Bulldog to retain.
He then announces that he’ll be defending the North American title in a ladder match at Stand & Deliver as the show goes off the air.