1. Cody Rhodes vs Roman Reigns
Roman Reigns has been Universal Champion since Payback 2020. He has held that title for well over 500 days. And he will most likely keep that championship after WrestleMania if he beats Brock Lesnar and unifies both the Universal and WWE Championships.
After Lesnar, there isn’t anyone else that could beat Reigns because he beat pretty much everyone else. Bobby Lashley is the only one I can see dethrone the tribal Chief but Lashley is currently inactive. At the moment, everyone on the main roster cannot beat Reigns.
That’s why it would be a missed opportunity for WWE not to sign Cody Rhodes. He’s a star not only in the wrestling business, but he also had a reality show and he was on the Go Big Show. Signing Rhodes gives the company another star.
And he could be the one to beat Reigns. Of course, Rhodes can’t beat him on Day One. But once he beats a couple of opponents including the four wrestlers that I mentioned before, he will be ready Reigns at Summerslam and take both WWE and Universal championships.
Both Reigns and Rhodes did wrestle each other before. And those matches are the ones that I mention before during the Rollins vs Rhodes piece. But they were different wrestlers back in 2013. Now they are considered being two of the top names in wrestling today.
WWE doesn’t have a ton of stars. A big name just fell into their laps. They used don’t take advantage of these situations where they made that wrestler into a star. But this is the time to make Rhodes a star in the WWE so you have another big name and that you can attract other AEW stars to WWE.