WWE Raw: Five title changes including new WWE US Champion


WWE Raw is coming to fans once again. This week’s episode promises important title matches. Austin Theory challenges Finn Balor for the WWE United States Championship. Plus, Sasha Banks and Naomi are defending the WWE Women’s Tag Team titles against Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley. That, plus a double wedding and other shenanigans are sure to go down before the evening is over.

The night started with WWE’s resident choir leader, Seth Rollins. He got down to business immediately calling out Cody Rhodes. The two men exchanged pleasantries and respect among two competitors. Rollins continued to push the narrative that Rhodes had an unfair advantage at WrestleMania 38. Rollins flipped the script on Rhodes, making a challenge in the main event where Rhodes would have to face a surprise opponent of his choosing.

The first match of the night brought out the women’s tag champions to defend their titles.

Ripley went right after Banks, isolating her on their side of the ring. She and Morgan hit tag team offense on Banks, but she was able to kick out at one. Banks used a chin breaker and countered with a knee before tagging in Naomi. They laid out Morgan and Naomi went for the pin but she kicked out at two. Banks hit a crossbody but again Morgan kicked out at two.

They tried to take out Ripley, but she caught Banks. The challengers decimated the champions outside the ring to head into a commercial.

Back from the commercial and Naomi was trying to get away from Ripley without any success. Morgan came in with some more tag offense but was unable to get the pin on Naomi. They hit a tandem powerbomb and Ripley scored with the Riptide. Banks was finally able to make the save. They used that burst of offense to hit a slew of offense on Ripley with Banks getting the pinfall.

Sasha Banks and Naomi win via pinfall to retain the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships.

Ripley and Morgan began arguing in the middle of the ring. When Morgan turned her back, Ripley bounced on her, signaling the breakup of the team.

Sonya Deville was out next to clarify her stance of being Bianca Belair’s first challenger as WWE Raw Women’s Champion. She claimed that it was nothing personal and just business, but Belair had more than enough to say about the situation.

Veer Mahaan was out next for singles action against a local talent. Jeff Brooks didn’t have much of a chance as he was bounced around the ring with ease. Brooks fought back for a second but a sidewalk slam forced all the fight out of him. The clothesline and the cervical clutch earned Mahaan the victory.

Veer Mahaan picked up the win via submission.

Kevin Owens was out for the KO Show next. Chad Gable was out to help in the matter as they conducted a liar detector test on Ezekiel. Ezekiel was able to pass the lie detector test but Gable jumped him after Owens walked out of the ring.

Back from commercial and Ezekiel jumped all over Gable, stomping him in the corner then kicking him out the ring. He followed that up with planting Gable across the steel steps. Gable was able to kick out of the first pin attempt at two.

Gable was able to take back control with the dragon screw in the corner, focusing on the left knee and leg. Gable hit a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Ezekiel kicked Gable over the top rope, but he pulled himself back in, taking a forearm and elbows for his efforts. He kicked Gable out of the corner, but Gable hit a catch suplex to counter.

Ezekiel countered the moonsault, and then hit a spinebuster before turning him into the one-legged crab. Otis ran in to cause the disqualification.

Ezekiel defeated Chad Gable via disqualification.

Team RK-Bro was out to the ring next to take on the Street Profits.

Randy Orton and Angelo Dawkins were in the ring first with Orton getting the early advantage. Dawkins countered with a flying elbow to take the center of the ring. Riddle mad the tag and they stomped away on Dawkins before an assisted Broton for a two count. Montez Ford tagged in and hit a big dropkick for a two count.

Ford went for the top rope but Riddle jumped up to hit a big Spanish Fly to head into the commercial break. Ford and Riddle were exchanging strikes but both men were able to make the tag.

Orton hit two clotheslines and a snap powerslam. Both men were tossed to the apron for the draping DDT in stereo. Riddle came back into the ring and called for the RKO, but before he could do so, the Usos music hit. The distraction allowed for the Street Profits to hit a Doomsday Blockbuster for the victory.

The Street Profits defeated Team RK-Bro via pinfall.

Austin Theory was out next to get a shot at the WWE United States Champion, Finn Balor.

The two men locked up with Theory landing a stiff kick to the stomach and a shoulder block. Balor fired back with a chop in the corner and kick to the back of the head. Theory answered with a backbreaker and punches from mount before scoring a two-count pin attempt. Theory went to a chin lock to slow Balor down before tripping him. He followed that up with a neck breaker from the apron to the floor.

Back from commercial and Theory remained in control. Balor attempted to come back, only to take a stiff back breaker for the efforts. Balor hit a DDT that rocked Theory, following up with a kick to the ribs. He went for a suplex back into the ring, but Theory countered. Balor did the same when Theory went for the rolling dropkick for a second time.

Balor stomped on Theory’s chest and followed up with more boots. He would hit a sling blade and then the shotgun dropkick. Balor went to the top to finish off with the coup de grace, but Theory was able to stop him. He hit a springboard Spanish Fly for a two count.

Theory signaled for A-Town Down but Balor countered and flew over the top ropes to land on him. Balor rolled Theory back into the ring and missed the Coup de Grace. That allowed Theory to hit the A-Town Down for the victory and become the new WWE United States Champion. The locker room and Vince McMahon come out to celebrate with Theory.

Austin Theory defeated Finn Balor via pinfall.

R-Truth was out to lead a double wedding between Reggie and Dana Brooke, along with Tamina and Akira Tozawa. The wedding went off without a hitch but everyone involved ended up in a mad scramble for the 24/7 Championship with Dana Brooke ending up as the champion in the end after Reggie, Tamina, and Tozawa all held the belt for a second.

Cody Rhodes was out for the main event against a surprise opponent Kevin Owens.

Owens went right after Rhodes, locking up and kicking him in the stomach. Owens countered Rhodes’s dropdown punch, then stomping him into the mat. Rhodes knocked Owens out of the ring but was unable to keep his momentum going as Owens caught him and tossed him into the barricade.

Back from commercial and Owens was still in control. That was until Rhodes was able to get momentum on his side. But Owens cut him off and hit a senton for a two count. That led to a back breaker that Owens held to put pressure on the lower back. Owens hit a snap suplex that led to another two count.

Rhodes went for the Crossroads but Owens countered with a DDT for a two count. Owens went for the senton but Rhodes got his knees up. Owens rolled outside the ring and Rhodes followed, launching himself into Owens and over the announce table. Seth Rollins then came to ring side as the match went to commercial again.

After the commercial, the two men were on the turnbuckle exchanging blows. A headbutt from Owens knocked Rhodes down, and Owens followed up with a Frog Splash for two, immediately going for the senton for another two count. After a big clothesline from Rhodes, both men were laid out on the mat. Owens hit a pop-up powerbomb for a close two count.

Owens went back to the top, but Rhodes stopped him again. But Owens cut into his momentum again, hitting a Fisherman’s suplex from the top. Rhodes was able to get his leg on the ropes to stop the count. Owens ended up outside the ring again, but this time he and Rollins started arguing. Owens stormed off, taking the count out defeat.

Cody Rhodes defeated Kevin Owens via count out.