WWE Raw Predictions For December 19, 2022: Bobby Lashley Will Hold The Entire Show Hostage


WWE Raw is on the road to WWE Royal Rumble 2023. In this week’s episode, there is one scheduled match: Dexter Lumis vs. The Miz in a Winner Takes All Ladder Match.

In terms of the upcoming PPV, there are no Raw-affiliated matches scheduled yet, but it is expected that Bianca Belair (c) vs. Alexa Bliss for the Raw Women’s Championship and Austin Theory (c) vs. Seth Rollins for the U.S. Championship will be added to this card since Alexa Bliss and Seth Rollins both became number one contenders respectively last week.

The following will provide some rapid fire predictions for what should be an exciting show of WWE Raw tonight.

WWE Raw is scheduled to take place on December 19, 2022, at 8 p.m. ET/7 p.m. CT live on USA. Here are some predictions for this week’s show.

What’s Next For Bobby Lashley? [Segment]

On WWE Raw last week, Bobby Lashley got fired by Adam Pearce for assaulting a WWE official and disobeying his orders. However, Adam Pearce went public on Twitter to announce that he rescinds his firing of Lashley, as that decision was made in the heat of the moment. Nonetheless, he will address his situation with Lashley further on this episode. Since Lashley lost to Lesnar and is now out of the U.S. Title picture, this authority storyline could really revamp his momentum on the road to Mania. He can use his anger from the firing to hold the show hostage on this episode.

Prediction: Bobby Lashley Will Hold The Show Hostage

What is Going On With Alexa Bliss? [Segment]

On WWE Raw last week, Alexa Bliss defeated Bayley to become the number one contender for the Raw Women’s Championship. After the match, Bianca Belair tried to shake her hand, but Bliss went for a hug and immediately transitioned that hug into the Sister Abigail once the Bray Wyatt symbol popped up on the titantron. Bliss did not fully execute the Sister Abigail on Belair because she snapped out of it and realized that she almost hurt an ally of hers. Although she’s conflicted, it looks like Bliss is on the verge of turning heel and bringing back her supernatural gimmick.

Prediction: Alexa Bliss Will Turn Heel

Dexter Lumis vs. The Miz [Winner Takes All Ladder Match]

The Miz will defeat Dexter Lumis in the Winner Takes All Ladder Match because holding a bag of money fits a heel gimmick better and this is the ideal opening for Ciampa to return from injury and help Miz win nefariously. Ciampa has plenty of history with Johnny Gargano, so it would be interesting to see him fend off Gargano and showcase his newfound allegiance to The Miz. However, this allegiance won’t last for long because Triple H is reportedly planning to reform DIY. It can be presumed that this storyline will gradually lead to their inevitable reunion.

Prediction: The Miz Will Win The Jackpot

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