Drew McIntyre Should Win the World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania 40

Drew McIntyre has been an amazing performer during this run and deserves a lengthy time as champion.
WWE Monday Night RAW
WWE Monday Night RAW | Alex Bierens de Haan/GettyImages

Four years ago, Drew McIntyre was getting ready for the biggest night of his career.  Winning the Royal Rumble, he had earned the right to face Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania.  Thousands of fans from around the world were going to ascend to Tampa Bay, Florida to see the coronation of a brand-new champion.  However, that event never happened because of the COVID pandemic.  Instead, McIntyre won the WWE Championship in an empty building while people had to watch it on television.

During his time as WWE champion during the pandemic he carried the company on his back and had fantastic matches.  He was a great WWE champion who just happened to be champion at the wrong time.  Now, Drew McIntyre has a second chance to have the biggest night of his career in front of fans to witness history.  This night has been long overdue for McIntyre, he has earned this moment.

Week after week McIntyre would appear on television and was the face of the company with very good segments and compelling matches.  While wrestlers such as Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, and Undertaker were at home, McIntyre kept the train rolling on the tracks for WWE as if they hadn’t missed a single beat.  Through one of the darkest times in our country’s history, McIntyre was the heartbeat of WWE television.  Now it is time to reward all the hard work that he had put in while a good portion of the roster was out.

Since fans were able to come back to attend shows, the story of Drew McIntyre has quietly been one of the best stories WWE has had in a long time.  Every time McIntyre has a chance to win a title in front of a crowd, somehow, he loses and has made fans wonder when he will finally have his moment.  After his last opportunity to win a title at Crown Jewel in November, the thought might have been that WWE won’t put a title on him.  However, fate has played a role in favor of McIntyre.

With CM Punk’s injury at the Royal Rumble forcing him out of this years Wrestlemania, the door opened for another person to step in and be in one of the big matches at Wrestlemania 40.  This was the perfect opportunity for McIntyre to take his step towards another shot at the World Heavyweight Title.  Elimination Chamber would be the event where he got his opportunity and outlasted five other men on his way to victory and securing his date with Seth Rollins for the World Heavyweight Title.

As of late, McIntyre has had some of his best character work as a hypocrite who believes he is right, and everybody is wrong.  With his belief that the truth will set you free, he has become one of the biggest heels in WWE and the work has been fantastic.  He still has some fans rooting for him, but his current run has been magnificent.  Going into this year’s Wrestlemania he is entering as one of the most hated wrestlers on the entire roster.  From being thankful for CM Punk’s injury to taking advantage of every opportunity laid in front of him, McIntyre is on a fantastic role and this recent work, along with his previous work should not be overlooked.

Drew has had to wait four years for the biggest night of his career and he’s finally going to get his opportunity.  For all the work he put in during the pandemic, being isolated in Florida for a year and being the face of the WWE, it is time for McIntyre to be rewarded for his hard work and dedication.  Fans have been behind him waiting for the day he wins a major title in front of a crowd and now, the waiting is almost over.  It’s taken four long years to get to this moment but we’re almost there.

Some fans will say this is long overdue while some fans will say the wait has been worth it.  If Drew McIntyre wins at Wrestlemania and becomes the new World Heavyweight Champion, it will have two different meanings.  One will be a validation from WWE saying you’re one of the top performers in our company and it’s your turn to shine.  The other meaning will be a giant thank you from WWE for what he did during the pandemic.  Four years may seem like a lifetime to some people but to others, four years can go by in the blink of an eye.

Drew McIntyre has been one of the work horses of WWE and his value to the company has been enormous.  Now, it’s time to have a big public thank you for what McIntyre did during the pandemic.  His reign as World Heavyweight Champion could be one of the best reigns we’ve seen, or his reign could be one that gets forgotten easily and nobody remembers.  However his reign goes, it will be one that is remembered as WWE thanks McIntyre for the hard work, time he spent away from his family and dedication to his craft during the worst of times.