Drew McIntyre Will Not Win At Clash At The Castle

Drew McIntyre is a big star for WWE, but his fans must know that he isn't going to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Clash at the Castle Scotland.
Monday Night RAW
Monday Night RAW / WWE/GettyImages

Drew McIntyre is slated for a big match on June 15. He’s going home to Scotland to challenge Damian Priest for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WWE Clash at the Castle. It’s a moment that has been a long time coming. One that his fans want to see him leave in victory. But they should be ready for heartbreak as McIntyre will not win at the PLE. 

Drew McIntyre’s run at the top of WWE is filled with heartache. He reached the apex of the division right as the world screeched to a halt thanks to the COVID-19 global pandemic. While other wrestlers returned home and the industry itself almost crumbled, McIntyre remained the focal point of WWE television. He, along with other names like Asuka, Bayley, Seth Rollins and others stayed on television throughout the pandemic. He was a pillar for not only WWE, but all of wrestling during that time. 

McIntyre won the WWE Championship and held it proudly during a time when the fans were stuck watching behind screens. He never truly got the cheers that should have come during that moment in his career. The world moved past the pandemic and wrestling moved past McIntyre in almost the same way. Fast forward to 2024 and it seemed like that moment was going to come at WrestleMania 40. But what happened? McIntyre’s focus on CM Punk cost him the belt in less than five minutes. 

Now, McIntyre gets an opportunity to win the title at home. In front of crowds of his own people. But will he get it done? All signs point to no. 

McIntyre’s victory on Monday Night Raw forces Judgment Day to stay in the back. JD McDonaugh, Finn Balor, and Dominick Mysterio must stay in the back as Priest defends his title. Priest doesn’t seem to have an issue with that, as the gap between him and the group slowly expands. But that stipulation doesn’t mean CM Punk won’t show his face. Imagine the heel heat that Punk will receive if he causes McIntyre once again. That will be the moment that sends McIntyre down a path that might not make him the “heel” in wrestling speak, but will certainly cause the additional layer of blood rage for this upcoming feud with Punk. 

CM Punk versus Drew McIntyre doesn’t need a championship. Can either of these men be a top level champion? Sure. But does it need the belt? Not at all. Bret Hart versus Steve Austin was one of the most important WWE feuds of that era and they didn’t always battle over a championship. McIntyre versus Punk can involve the top title at some point, but not yet - especially not over what’s been built so far. 

Plus, there’s the Priest side of the equation as well. He has a date with Gunther in a few weeks at SummerSlam. Before then, Money in the Bank is on the horizon. All expectations are that Gunther will win the title at SummerSlam, so it wouldn’t make sense to have McIntyre lose it so quickly. WWE has a packed calendar on the horizon and looking at how things are laid out can give an idea on the booking direction. There’s a lot up in the air, but some assumptions can be made for all of the men involved. 

Drew McIntyre versus Damian Priest will main event Clash at the Castle Scotland. McIntyre will get his moment to be showered with praise by fans from his homeland. But be ready for him to fail to win that title again. 
