The partnership between WWE and TNA Wrestling has the industry talking. While the two companies have been working together for quite some time, it will be interesting to see what’s to come. The talent swap has created some great matches and moments for both companies. Recently, a particular TNA name was talking about facing off with WWE Women’s World Champion, Rhea Ripley. Tessa Blanchard hinted at taking on the current champion, and one thing must be clear – WWE must not touch this tainted performer for years to come.
“She’s phenomenal. I’ve watched some of her matches, and we actually did the first-ever Mae Young Classic for WWE together,” Blanchard said while speaking on the DeLoco Podcast. “But she was a different Rhea Ripley then. She was blonde hair, still tall, still built, still phenomenal in the ring. But she has just transformed into this absolute powerhouse over there. So, year, I would be down for that.”
But should the WWE be down for that? As of this writing, the answer is an absolute no. Blanchard may be back in TNA, but she’s still a tainted performer in many ways. Blanchard has been a pariah in the industry for much of the last five years. In 2020, she was making history as the first woman to capture the Impact World Championship. But that came amid several accusations that she was a bully to other women backstage, particularly calling La Rosa Negra a slur during their time together in a prior company. Chelsea Green also openly spoke of issues with Blanchard, as did other women in the industry.
Blanchard recently defeated Jordynne Grace at TNA Genesis on January 19, and major companies cannot ignore the reaction. Fans showered her with “she’s a racist” chants. WWE cannot take the risk of putting Blanchard on television in any form. Look at how fans responded to Hulk Hogan during a recent episode of WWE Monday Night Raw. Some may debate why fans booed him during that whole segment, but Hogan’s racist antics are well known at this point. It seems like Blanchard’s are as well, at least by those who follow professional wrestling closely. While wrestling needs more names that garner an emotional response from fans, the type of response that Blanchard creates is completely different.
Could Blanchard rebuild her place? Yes. But to do so, she would have to show some contrition. As of this writing, Blanchard continues to do so. She’s had several opportunities to do so since the accusations came out, but she’s continued to talk about the matters in a way that has not met the standards of those looking for her to show remorse. Five years later, and it does not look like she has any intention to publicly apologize.
WWE has several fantastic performers on the roster, and a women’s division that is potentially the best in the business. They do not need Tessa Blanchard in any form. Even though the companies are working together now, she’s one name who must never step foot in the company.