On WWE Friday Night SmackDown, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson made a special appearance. It was initially assumed he was there just to announce that New Orleans, the site of SmackDown on Friday, was set to host WrestleMania 42 next year.
While The Rock did make that announcement, he also had another reason to appear in person in front of the WWE fans. He called out the Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes and proceeded to discuss how the two have become friends. Ironic, considering their recent history with one another.
Rock then went on and on about how their mothers became friends, and that it has been nice getting to know Cody. It has also been nice to see what could be with Rhodes. That was when The Rock began to talk about the possibilities of WWE and Cody Rhodes.
He wants to elevate Rhodes, make him a far bigger star than he ever could be on his own. Rock claimed that his position as "Director of the Board" makes him the most powerful man in the WWE right now. Of course, he's not actually the sole director of the board. There are several of them in real life.
However, it is true that Rock is on the TKO Board of Directors, making him legitimately powerful when it comes to WWE operations. This is why Rock's proposal for Cody has become so controversial, even just a day later.
What did The Rock ask of Cody?

At first, The Rock went on about how he could elevate Cody. However, he then asked him to be "his" champion. Rhodes quickly responded by saying, more than anyone, Rock should know that he's "their" champion. He points to the crowd when he says this, telling Rock he's the "people's champion."
Another ironic twist in this story between Rock & Rhodes. Who is the "real" People's Champion in 2025?
Sure, Dwayne gets massive ovations when he decides to grace us all with his presence. Yet it isn't like the crowd is silent when Cody comes out. The crowd goes wild every time he comes out, too. On top of that, he's around every week and they still do that. Rhodes does not have to disappear for months at a time to get a huge return pop.
However, this is something Rock himself realizes. He wants Cody to be "his" champion despite this. What that means, however, is anyone's guess. After all, Rock is supposedly a heel. One would assume Cody would just become the "company guy," or the new version of a "corporate champion."
Rock then pointed at Cody, saying he wants "that." Most felt he was discussing the WWE Championship Rhodes is holding, but Rock corrects Cody. Saying:
""No no no Cody, I want your soul.""The Rock
Like most people at home, Cody's face went into instant confusion. What could Johnson mean by such a request. Why Cody? Why now? The questions are numerous.

The Rock told Cody to think it over, and he appears to be giving him slightly over a week to decide what he wants to do. On March 1st, The Rock will meet with Cody in the ring at the WWE Elimination Chamber PLE. He wants an answer by then.
However, it is unlikely WWE's answer to Shang Tsung will get what he wants. After all, the Final Boss needs a true foe of equal value to himself. Cody has proven he can be that guy. Rhodes has led this new WWE Renaissance on-screen even before he won the WWE Championship in 2024.
Vince McMahon needed "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, a man who was the total opposite of himself. It is really what made their rivalry so special. Rock has positioned himself to be the total opposite of Rhodes at times. Yet, they are also very similar in multiple ways. Which means WWE has to take another approach.
Cody will need to push back, because that is necessary to make this story between the two as sensible as possible.

Most feel that Rock has become power hungry, which adds up when you think about it.
After all, rich and powerful people get whatever they want. This is why many go after tougher and tougher things to achieve or take for themselves. Very few can stand in the way to stop them.
Rock wants Cody's soul because it would mean he won in the end. He might not be able to have the people like he used to, nor can he win and hold the WWE Title as easily. However, he can own the person who can do these things, and that is still a huge win.
It is essentially Rock's way to have his own personal slave who will do everything he wants. He will clearly pay him and reward him well for those efforts. Therefore, it is completely understandable for Cody to want to take up Rock's offer.
However, if he does, Cody will have betrayed the people who elevated him to the spot he's in now. He will also have betrayed his friends, family, and especially his father "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes. In fact, Dusty would never have even considered such an offer because he portrayed himself as the every man, the son of a plumber.
Would the grandson of a plumber forget his roots, leaving it all behind just to attain the kind of stardom The Rock wants for him? This is unknown, but we'll find out on March 1st.