Three things to be thankful for in professional wrestling in 2024

There's a lot to be thankful for in professional wrestling and these three things stand out for 2024.
SmackDown | WWE/GettyImages

It’s Thanksgiving Holiday, and millions of people are celebrating throughout the country. Looking back at the year, there are things that professional wrestling and sports entertainment fans should be thankful for as well. Here are thing things to celebrate and give thanks for in 2024 within the professional wrestling industry.

Bustling Competition

Professional wrestling is experiencing a boom. WWE continues to break KPIs on a quarterly and annual basis. All Elite Wrestling recently announced a lucrative new television deal. TNA Wrestling has even reported stronger metrics off its partnership with WWE. There’s a lot of positive news going around. That competitive success creates more opportunities for performers and the staff members working behind the scenes. When WWE held a monopolistic grip on the business, things weren’t looking up for anyone other than those in the most powerful positions. As business thrives in multiple areas, this is a boom to be thankful for across the board.


Professional wrestling is no longer a “one size fits all” product. In fact, it never was. The industry was hindered when everything was booked in Vince McMahon’s vision. Now, there are several opportunities to watch pro wrestling done differently, and that has the potential to bring in more fans to the product. Nothing good ever comes from a stagnation in creativity, and that is also true in wrestling. It’s a variety show for all intents and purposes.

Actual Journalism

Professional wrestling is marred by some outlets and media personalities who dabble in the worst forms of content. On the other hand, there are some members who are doing fantastic journalism within the space. Just like major sports leagues, quality, and accurate journalism keeps the fans informed and the truth at the forefront. Professional wrestling needs the same and 2024 was a year in which it shone through in many different ways.