How was the third episode of Edge and Christian’s show?
The first episode of the Edge and Christian Show That Totally Reeks of Awesomeness promised a new theme every week. Episode 2 at least to my recollection did not have any theme. It was a decent episode, but it seemed weird how the episode deviated away from that concept. Making it just seems like random nonsense, but so was the first episode. However having a theme for E n C to follow makes their shenanigans worthwhile. This week they decided to have the 90s be their motif.
It started with both E n C making 90s references. Talking about how horrible dial-up was and the struggle or ordering things using a corded phone. Christian also referenced his vampire gimmick with Gangrel.
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We're about ready to pay tribute to THE '90s on an ALL-NEW episode of #TheECShow RIGHT NOW only on @WWENetwork!
— WWE Network (@WWENetwork) March 1, 2016
After that we were treated to some moments of E n C playing their Kazoos from the 90s. While it fitted the theme, it didn’t really add much to the program. They are fun moments, but we’ve seen it plenty of times. Next was a skit having E n C imitate different wrestlers from the 90s entrances. This was somewhat entertaining, but I’m not sure if it could be anything better than that.
#HitMyMusic = AMAZING SEGMENT! #TheECShow #Bushwhackers @EdgeRatedR @Christian4Peeps
— WWE Network (@WWENetwork) March 1, 2016
The next segment was interview with Luke Perry. He was a star of the Beverly Hills 90210. Maybe it was because I was very young in the 90s, or had no interest in 90210 that this interview did nothing for me. The interview itself didn’t shed any light about him really either. Overall it just seemed like some random filler.
It's #BeverlyHills90210's Luke Perry on #TheECShow! @EdgeRatedR @Christian4Peeps
— WWE Network (@WWENetwork) March 1, 2016
Luckily next we were treated to seeing the soon to be WWE Hall of Famer, The Godfather. However as expected the skit was basically what most of us saw in all the promo videos. Just Christian making a joke about how at least they didn’t look like Papa Shango. Had this not been shown to death before the episodes had aired, the joke would’ve gone over much better.
HEY! #TheGodfather is here on #TheECShow! @EdgeRatedR @Christian4Peeps #WWEHOF
— WWE Network (@WWENetwork) March 1, 2016
Onto the next segment was the WWE version of reading mean tweets. Some of the responses were pretty funny like Tommy Dreamer responding to a fan about his bald spot. Nothing else really hit a home run.
It's time for #RealTalk on #TheECShow...
— WWE Network (@WWENetwork) March 1, 2016
You guys are MEAN!!!
The rest of the episode was nothing special either. E n C interviewed Jaleel White, who played Steve Urkel on Family Matters. They also had a skit where they visited the WWE Merchandise Warehouse; which was not funny at all. Puppet Vince Mcmahon and Puppet H cracked some jokes about how bad the episode was. They always seem to do well because the self awareness level is off the charts. The show however did close with a hilarious shot at former WWE diva Sunny. The joke was in super bad taste, but for those who like that style of humor you’ll get a kick out of the joke.
Related Story: The Edge and Christian Show That Totally Reeks of Awesomeness Episode 2 Review
The third episode was not very good to be honest. I believe the show can be very good at times, but it has declined since the pilot. Hopefully next week we get more skits that knock it out of the park.