Roman Reigns has had a successful run as WWE World Heavyweight Champion and there is more than enough evidence to prove it.
When the Daily DDT staff meets in our Legion of Doom-style fortress to discuss potential article ideas, we never envisioned something as nefarious as this. Despite the boos and jeers and IWC rants, is there a way to prove that Roman Reigns has actually had a successful run as champion?
That’s when I strode through the door because I have a habit of showing up late to these meetings or sometimes not showing up at all. It’s just how I roll and it has helped my bad boy image around the virtual water cooler with the virtual female employees.
“What’s up, meatbags? Whatever we’re talking about, count me in.” This is my standard greeting which I bellow with the confidence of a young Marlon Brando.
Little did I know what I had gotten myself into. But like any real American, I don’t back down. Ever. I’ve never been “served”, I always accept Pokémon games played under the Nuzlocke Challenge, and I can write an article about literally anything. If you recall, I wrote a 500 word obituary for a houseplant.
So I viewed a slideshow about the success of Roman Reigns to be a cakewalk, mostly because I love cake. It can’t be done, they said. Only a crazed madman would accept such an assignment, they said. Maybe I am crazy. Crazy like a fox. A fox whose middle name happens to be “madman”. Josh “Madman” Fox. (Not my real name…but it should be)
While other writers such as Dean “Paul” Siemon have postulated that Reigns’ run has been a failure, I am the voice of reason here at Daily DDT and can prove that WWE made the right choice by putting gold around Reigns’ waist.
Next: No. 5 It's All in the Numbers