WWE Survivor Series 2016: Team Raw Using Tired Dynamic for Elimination Matches

WWE Raw’s awful weekly show has looked even worse with how they’re creating a dynamic on their Survivor Series teams.

When SmackDown first challenged Raw to three Survivor Series Elimination matches, it seemed like a great idea. With all the talent each brand has, the potential seemed to be there for a few entertaining bouts. That’s still the case, but the build to get there has been awful on Raw’s end, the show that gets more publicity as the three-hour “Flagship Show”, a nickname that doesn’t suit them anymore.

Every Raw team for Survivor Series is full of capable WWE stars, especially the men’s team. The women’s and tag teams, despite their lack of depth, still provide a decent roster as well for the pay-per-view. All these squads are mixed with faces and heels, which is normal, but they’re all using a tired dynamic of team chemistry.

The team chemistry angle is simple. Each set of Superstars can’t get along and are showing signs of dysfunction for Survivor Series. It should work, but the way how WWE is presenting this hasn’t worked at all.

Every week of the build, we have seen all these Raw stars come together to discuss WWE’s Fall Classic. The result has been the same, though, of everyone being pitted against each other. They’re competing in matches to tear each other apart and show how much they hate each other. Oh, and they’re wrestling to win and hurt each other in matches that have absolutely no meaning.

Take Monday’s episode of Raw as an example. There was the fatal five-way match between the men’s competitors for Survivor Series. Due to them brawling in the opening segment, Stephanie McMahon decided to pit the five stars who she’s is relying on to beat her brother, against each other. Why would she want them to be weakened less than two weeks before the match? Shouldn’t she want them to stay out of each other’s way to preserve them for the best chance to win?

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The six women tag match is another example and is a carryover from last Monday. First, we had Charlotte use Nia Jax to destroy Bayley for little reason. Then, in an “impromptu tag team match”, the five women part of Survivor Series looked to attack each other. Similar to the men, there should be an alternative to get them to work together leading into the show. A solution could have been to pit these five against a group of jobbers and just crush them. They could seem on the same page, even though they hate each other.

Finally, the tag teams. New Day may have had the most logic of them all because they beat Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows plenty of times before. There’s the team chemistry argument again, and a solution could have been similar to the women, even if it was one tag team destroying another jobber duo.

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Team Raw has very little momentum heading into Survivor Series. It’s the result of a poor show, which has been the case for the majority of the time since the WWE Draft.