WWE WrestleMania 33: Who Should Sasha Banks’ Opponent Be?


With WrestleMania season finally here who should “The Boss” Sasha Banks face off with this year at the big event?

We have finally made it to the time of the year where we are officially in WrestleMania season. For the next few months, fans will try to guess the possible matches that we will get to watch at the biggest event of the year. While we have some matches that are pretty much all but confirmed, there are many top stars whose opponents still have yet to be decided. One of these stars is none other than The Boss, Sasha Banks.

It was a landmark 2016 for Banks, as she not only put on some of the best matches in the company but help break new ground for Women going forward in WWE. She spent most of the year feuding with Charlotte.

Their feud went for pretty much all year and their battles were some of the best matches of the year. The two created firsts for the women’s division as they had the first ever women’s Hell in a Cell and Iron Man match.

The two switched wins and title reigns throughout the Summer and Fall. Their feud culminated at Roadblock with Charlotte winning and reclaiming her Women’s Championship. With their long feud finally, at an end, Charlotte and Sasha have moved on to new feuds.

Charlotte now seems like she will be feuding with Bayley going into WrestleMania, while Sasha has entered a feud with Nia Jax. The feeling though is that Banks and Jax will not have an entirely long feud with the former most likely without a feud yet heading into WrestleMania.

So the question now arises who should Sasha Banks feud and opponent be for WrestleMania 33? The answer is a female who is not a wrestler but the Commissioner of Monday Night Raw, Stephanie McMahon.

The seeds for a potential feud were planted a few weeks ago on RAW when Banks had a bit of a confrontation with McMahon in her office. Stephanie claimed that there was only one true Boss on RAW and it was her.

Stephanie is a natural of being a Heel no one can stand her and people love it when someone takes her down. At the last two WrestleMania’s two of the biggest pops came when someone laid out Stephanie in the ring.

At WrestleMania 31, McMahon was taken down by Ronda Rousey while last year Roman Reigns delivered a nasty spear to The Billion Dollar Princess that took her off TV for nearly two months. With gaining so much heat so easily she’d be perfect for Sasha to feud with.

Both females are fantastic on the microphone and their promos could lead to some very entertaining television. While Stephanie isn’t the most graceful in the ring she can sell and could really make Sasha look like a dominant competitor.

Sasha could be literally the first female in years to take down Stephanie in the ring and could give her the big win match she desperately needs. Banks lost every pay per view match to Charlotte so it’s been quite some time since Sasha won a big time pay per view match.

A win over Stephanie could give Sasha a huge boost in 2017 and could help bring her back to the top of the division potentially entering a summer feud with Bayley or possibly starting up again with Charlotte.

Next: Matches WWE's Considering for WrestleMania 33

With Charlotte and Bayley set to battle at WrestleMania, the best opponent for The Boss to battle at the big event is her Boss on RAW. Sasha could be the one to finally knock Stephanie down a few pegs and start her 2017 off on an extremely good note, and give her the WrestleMania moment that she deserves.