WWE: Kevin Owens’ Brutality Returning is Best for Business

Kevin Owens finally brought back his brutality before emotionally ending the best-friends saga.

Last week on Raw, WWE eloquently engineered a segment that got most emotionally invested. It finally ignited Chris Jericho with white-hot momentum before possibly colliding with Kevin Owens at Wrestlemania. It also opened the door for the return of the cold-blooded prized fighter.

For months, Owens rotated on a revolving door with the likes of Jericho, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns in the main event. It was rare that Owens showed any brutality during this time apart from the odd power-bomb he would launch with his former best friend.

For months, this wasn’t the Kevin Owens we would detest. This was a Kevin Owens that sat at the cool-kids table bullying the same two kids over and over. So what happened to the KO of old? What happened to the violent decimator who always had the countdown to someone’s destruction ticking around the corner?

Owens made an emphatic debut back in 2015 by walking out on Monday Night Raw and interrupting John Cena. He also carried the NXT title with such sinister gusto, almost suggesting it was worth more than Cena’s mere US championship. One powerbomb later to Cena, and he had the WWE universe talking about someone who took out the company’s poster boy in dominating fashion.

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KO steadily established himself as one of the more dominant heels on the roster. There wasn’t a low he wouldn’t be willing to reach. He was willing to do anything.

Fast forward to last year, HHH suddenly made an appearance in August, screwing Rollins out of a title shot and handing KO his championship blessing.

Fans finally got to see Owens’ nemesis, Seth Rollins, as the newly turned babyface who wanted revenge on his old mentor. The new Universal Champion stood as the first obstacle to the Architect.

For months, a combination of Rollins, Reigns. Jericho and Owens played on repeat and your remote had no control. It was a train of storytelling that sunk into a pit of little storyline progression and character development.

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You could also say this was a domino effect caused by Finn Balor’s sudden decommissioning from weekly programming in August. This kept Rollins in limbo with a lack of character development, only before an injection of HHH could come in to rejuvenate what was left.

KO was at the other end, trying to play the best friend to the veteran heel that was consistently getting cheered. A rather awkward place for the world champion whose supposed to be the resident menace.

Owens’ brutality stayed dormant for months but we finally caught a peak last Monday. He savagely threw the self-proclaimed “sexy piñata” around in classic Kevin fashion. A thunderous bomb on the ring apron later, Owens finally lifted the sheets off.

Underneath, the Kevin Owens of old took shape. We saw the return of a man who doesn’t care about any being but himself.

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Owens is currently the Universal Champion. For months, this title has taken a back seat to the Kevin Owen’s and Chris Jericho show. With Jericho power-bombed out of the picture, Owens can now finally concentrate on slaying Goldberg at WWE Fastlane. He can finally be the man he was put on the main roster to be; a cold, conniving piñata beater.