WWE Fastlane 2017: 5 Potential Finishes for Kevin Owens vs. Goldberg

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Credit: WWE.com

5. Chris Jericho Costs Goldberg the WWE Universal Title

This is probably the least likely scenario, considering Chris Jericho will undoubtedly be booked as a babyface heading into his WrestleMania program with Kevin Owens, but it does make sense from a character perspective for him to ensure that “The Prizefighter” walks out of Fastlane with the WWE Universal Championship.

It’s not just because Jericho knows that he’s probably going to Owens’ next challenger either. Jericho blatantly told Kevin Owens two weeks ago that he’s going to walk out of Fastlane with the title because Chris is going to have his back.

Just because Owens didn’t appreciate it doesn’t mean Jericho won’t follow through.

How many times have we seen the age-old feud between two former friends after one turns on the other? Wrestler A is best friends with Wrestler B, and will go to the ends of the earth for him. Wrestler B attacks Wrestler A and ends the friendship. Wrestler A now hates Wrestler B and they become bitter rivals immediately.

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Wouldn’t it be an interesting twist to see Jericho still hold onto some hope, or even obligation to his friendship with Kevin Owens even after its demise?

The words from Y2J just prior to the attack felt so full of conviction and sincerity that you could really feel the love and respect he had for Kevin. To see Jericho go through a phase of denial that sees him continue to help his former best friend would add yet another layer of emotion to the feud before Jericho inevitably gives in.

To add to that point, throughout Owens’ championship reign, he has consistently referred to himself and Chris Jericho as the WWE Universal Champion, implying that their bond was so strong that they shared the title between one another.

In that sense, the title still somewhat belongs to Chris Jericho, and it makes sense for him to want to preserve that, even if Owens doesn’t see it that way anymore, or even if it’s just a way for Jericho to get his one-on-one match at WrestleMania.

It’s hard to picture Chris Jericho screwing Goldberg out of the title without any ramifications, but if it’s followed up with Jericho being overcome with grief and an ever-lasting obligation to Kevin Owens even after what happened, it could definitely be a spectacular starting point to their WrestleMania feud.