WWE Fastlane 2017: 3 Reasons Roman Reigns Should Defeat Braun Strowman
By Evan Gomes
2. Make His Eventual Heel Turn Stronger
Based on the last slide, it sounds like Reigns would be leaning more heel or tweener than ever before. That would be best for business. And it would stop a very vocal subset of the WWE Universe from wanting to gouge their eyes out whenever Reigns is pushed down our throats.
Unlike the mythical Cena heel turn, a Reigns one is still very much a possibility. He has the look, the moveset, the smug grin. Reigns will be an absolute money heel. A victory over Strowman can set him down that path.
The Undertaker, which I fully believe to be Reigns’ Wrestlemania dancing partner, is a beloved icon of the sport. It is damn near impossible to get him booed at this point. If WWE is serious about having Reigns face Undertaker, the heel turn is almost necessary.
Have Reigns taunt the roster who couldn’t topple Strowman as being weak and beneath him. Make him destroy Sami Zayn and other midcarders who have stepped to Strowman. The Big Dog needs to eat after this heel turn, so feed him all the same people who were fed to Strowman.
Heel Reigns versus face Undertaker makes for a wonderful dynamic and adds to the Wrestlemania card. Reigns going over, and even retiring the Undertaker, would make his heat nuclear. All of that kicks off with a dominating performance against Strowman.