WWE WrestleMania 33: Bray Wyatt vs. Randy Orton for WWE Championship Set


After defeating AJ Styles on this week’s rendition of SmackDown Live, Randy Orton is officially going to WrestleMania 33.

Despite winning the Royal Rumble, it wasn’t until last week that Randy Orton expressed interest in pursuing his WWE Championship opportunity at WrestleMania. This is because of Orton’s close affiliation to Bray Wyatt, whom Orton has held a deep obligation to since joining The Wyatt Family late last year.

With Wyatt capturing the championship at Elimination Chamber, Orton would shockingly decline his title match in Orlando due to the champion being his master.

This led to a series of matches, including a controversial battle royal finish, to determine a new No. 1 contender — a distinction earned by AJ Styles when he pinned Luke Harper to slot himself into the WrestleMania main event.

That was, however, until Randy Orton turned on Bray Wyatt last week.

Having been given the keys to the Wyatt family compound, Orton expressed how he’s been stringing Bray along the whole time with the aim of taking the family down. He would go on to proclaim his intentions to defeat Wyatt at WrestleMania after all, before dousing the compound in gasoline and watching it go up in flames.

With Styles still in the equation, Orton had to face off against “The Phenomenal One” this week to finally determine the true No. 1 contender to the title.

After a beautiful pop-up RKO following a failed 450 Splash attempt in an extraordinary main event, we can now officially say that Randy Orton will be challenging Bray Wyatt for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 33.

This has been a spectacularly booked rivalry from start to finish, one that’s seen Wyatt take to unforeseen heights as a member of the WWE roster with his very first singles championship victory finally turning him into a main event player.

The epic promos and mind games over the coming weeks will be a treat to watch, and promise to culminate in a thrilling affair next month when the two square off for the title — quite possibly in the main event of the evening.

Next: WM 33 Card Projections After Fastlane

What are your thoughts on WrestleMania 33’s WWE Championship match?