5 Reasons Kevin Owens Will Win at WWE WrestleMania 33

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4. Alliance With Authority

When Kevin Owens won the four-way eliminator match to capture the vacant Universal Title, he got a little help along the way. With Big Cass already eliminated, Triple H came down to seemingly help Seth Rollins – the runner-up in the match to crown the first champion. But Hunter turned on Rollins, practically handing the title to Owens.

In the weeks and months that followed, it appeared that any alliance between Triple H and Owens was just a one time deal. Following that title match, Triple H was not seen on WWE programming until the Royal Rumble weekend. It was then that he enlisted the services of Samoa Joe to take out Seth Rollins. But still, there was no connection with Owens.

That is, until a few weeks later, when Triple H showed up at Raw just prior to the infamous Festival of Friendship. A quick private conversation between Hunter and KO took place, and before the night was over Chris Jericho was in the hospital after a brutal assault. Owens confirmed that Triple H, in no uncertain terms, told him to do it.

Since then, Owens and Joe have been loosely affiliated with one another, doing what Triple H asks of them. The trio even teamed up at a live event in Buffalo earlier this month. While there’s been no official word as to what the relationship between the three men entails, it’s safe to say that any alliance involving Triple H is a powerful one.

If Owens has the backing of corporate WWE, why shouldn’t he win at WrestleMania? It’s the biggest show of the year, and corporate would want it to be a success. That would mean their guy walks away with the championship, right?