WWE WrestleMania 33: 5 Booking Decisions They Must Avoid

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5. Shades of The Authority

Raw seems to live by the saying “the same song and dance”.  With Stephanie McMahon firing Mick Foley on this past week’s Raw, things certainly don’t look better in that aspect.  Rumors of a new stable forming post-WrestleMania sound good, but if it’s the second coming of The Authority, then no thanks from this fan.

One of the worst parts about Raw is the lengthy promos the husband and wife duo of Triple H and McMahon love to do.  If this is truly about the new era, then that needs to go.  With Foley’s firing, there is a possibility of a new GM stepping in to take over.  He or she will have to stand their ground and not take Triple H or McMahon’s crap in terms of intimidation and suffocating demeanor.

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How WrestleMania factors in is the case of if Seth Rollins and Triple H will make it to the event.  If this match happens, then it doesn’t need to be overkill in terms of McMahon making her presence felt during this match.  While it is expected, less is more in her case.  In addition, while they said The Authority always wins, Rollins should be the one to pin The Game.

The win will propel Rollins as a top babyface for Raw, but again this all depends on if he will be cleared in less than two weeks.  Other prospects to aid Rollins after WrestleMania could include Finn Balor or Sami Zayn.  Time will tell otherwise, and fans may have to wait for the showdown between the Architect and The Game.