WWE WrestleMania 33: 5 Booking Decisions They Must Avoid

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Source: WWE.com

2. Roman Reigns Stays Babyface

This is a big NO for most fans for Reigns this year at WrestleMania.  It is clear that Reigns is the heel in this feud with The Undertaker and if the company doesn’t pull the trigger for Reigns to go to the dark side, then its career suicide for The Guy at that point.  The shades of grey that Reigns is in have to disappear.  It serves as denial for the company and Reigns himself.  They know he’s not over as a babyface, and he knows it.

And it’s not that he can’t put on a good match, because he has proven that he can produce great matches.  It is clearly his booking that will determine Reigns’ future post-WrestleMania.  A heel turn has been long overdue.  Turning Reigns heel will fix so many problems for the company, and his struggle to get over will fix itself.

Related Story: Roman Reigns: Is He Worthy of Retiring The Undertaker?

A Reigns win at WrestleMania will be the catalyst for a full-on heel turn.  Giving The Undertaker his second WrestleMania loss is enough for fans to hate him even more.  Reigns’ conceited attitude as of late has been more and more evident and a win against the legend will make his head even bigger.  He has all the tools to pull it off.  The denial has to stop at WrestleMania, and if he finally makes the turn, I’ll forgive the company for delaying it for so long.  It will be worth it, believe that.