3 Reasons to Be Pessimistic About WWE WrestleMania 33

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Source: WWE.com

1. Roman Reigns Might Retire The Undertaker

The Undertaker is synonymous with both WWE and WrestleMania. The very idea of him actually retiring has been on many fans’ minds for many years. But now, that appears to be an increasingly-realistic occurrence. With the Undertaker rumored to be in considerable pain and in dire need of hip surgery, his upcoming WrestleMania match could be his last.

And it will be against Roman Reigns.

While Reigns has proven himself a solid and capable in-ring performer, he simply is not the character to retire the Undertaker. Years of fan hostility and questionable booking have made him one of the most undeserving candidates for this prestigious honor. But Vince McMahon simply will not give up on the Roman Reigns experiment, and now appears to be solidifying Reigns’ main event status at the Undertaker’s expense.

Next: Bold Predictions for WM 33

The reaction WWE received when Brock Lesnar ended Undertaker’s WrestleMania undefeated Streak was bad enough. At least it was tempered to some degree due to Lesnar having his own consistent popularity. Roman Reigns defeating the Undertaker (while playing a babyface) and ending ‘Taker’s career in the process is a recipe for disaster.