WWE WrestleMania 33: 9 Potential Feuds for After the Show

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1. Kevin Owens vs. Brock Lesner

They have teased this a little with the pair squaring off at a house show, so it is likely something will consider doing. But why these two? Well Kevin Owens has not had his rematch for the WWE Universal Title and one thing feels certain at WrestleMania, Brock Lesner is leaving with that title. The promos alone for a match between the two between Kevin Owens and Paul Heyman is reason enough to run with this feud. Brock doesn’t necessarily even have to be on the show for that to happen.

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Does Kevin Owens stand a chance of getting his title back? Slim to none I would say, but who knows they could give the Prize Fighter a chance and have a match with Lesner that goes longer than a few minutes. Actually build him up to be a big credible threat, live up to that name that he has. I think the chance needs to be taken with Kevin Owens, he might be a heel but he doesn’t need to look weak and unfortunately, he did look weak at times as Champion. This is a great way for redemption, even if he doesn’t win but to stand tall against Brock Lesner.