WWE WrestleMania 33: 3 Matches WWE Got Right

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1. Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg

This match would last around 4 and half minutes. However, that would be a considerable amount of time considering what we have seen out of Goldberg matches. Regardless, this was the number one match on the card in terms of creative decisions. Goldberg has had his fairy tale return and run atop the company. Now it was time for the Beast to take over the Universal title.

The match, in its entire duration, consisted solely of big spots and typical finishing moves. Kudos to Goldberg for pulling off a devastating spear that knocked off the barricade. One would also have to give him credit for taking those 10 suplexes head-on. Seeing the match in its entirety I felt like I was watching a Fast and Furious movie trailer. Whatever I saw in there was filled with action and excitement.

It is true that the performers did not try to tell a story inside the ring at any time. But creative did a better job here than any of their previous meetings. The build-up to this match was good. All the credit for that would go to Paul Heyman. Though we all were sure about what the outcome would be, the way creative lead us to that point was simply too good. They would first tease the audience with a possibly similar ending to Survivor Series. But in the end, they made sure the right man got the win.

Next: WWE WrestleMania 33: 5 Best Moments

What matches would make your list of top matches in terms of creative effort? Let us know in the comments section.