Enzo Amore Finn Balor, Big Cass, & Seth Rollins vs. Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson, & Samoa Joe
Result: Finn Balor, Big Cass, & Seth Rollins defeated Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson, & Samoa Joe via pinfall
Rating: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Originally, this was supposed to be Enzo & Cass teaming with Rollins to take on Joe and The Club. But a pre-match ambush by the baddies left Enzo unable to compete. Because Kurt Angle is a terrific general manager, he finds a replacement partner in Finn Balor. (Although if Kurt really was a great GM, maybe Finn would have already had a scheduled match tonight?)
Of course, my internal monologue is screaming, “WHY ARE YOU MAKING FINN AND THE CLUB FIGHT EACH OTHER, COME ON, MAN!” But any excuse to get Finn and Joe throwing down again is good by me.
While Balor being an afterthought is a little disappointing, WWE’s streak of six-man matches being better than average continues. Big Cass hitting that ridiculous boot to Joe on the apron was beyond awesome. And Rollins gets to show that his knee is healed by utilizing it for his new finisher that’s been teased in dark matches of late.
War is waged as @WWERollins, @FinnBalor, & @BigCassWWE look to make a statement against @LukeGallowsWWE, @KarlAndersonWWE, & @SamoaJoe! #RAW pic.twitter.com/p352XCCGSN
— WWE (@WWE) April 25, 2017
The instinct to go for a Pedigree only to change his mind is a great little wrinkle. Personally, I’m pleasantly surprised that Seth had the nuance necessary for such a moment – I figured it would be a weird moment. But it was pulled off excellently, and the commentary note of “shedding layers of his former self” is a great way to describe that.