WWE: 4 Booking Steps to Make Jinder Mahal a Credible Title Challenger

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4. Cost Orton the House of Horrors Match at Payback 2017

Randy Orton’s scheduled to finish his rivalry with Bray Wyatt at the upcoming Payback PPV. From the sounds of it, the scheduled ‘House of Horrors’ match will be a highly-gimmicked contest and some kind of interference is likely. To that end, it would make sense for Mahal to screw Orton out of a victory in this match.

Doing so would make sense for several reasons. Wyatt needs the momentum more so than Orton, especially since Wyatt’s moving to RAW, a show on which it’ll be harder for him to stand out among more top stars. Meanwhile, Mahal needs to prove that he’s a clever champion that knows when to take advantage of an opportunity. This could be done at Payback, with Mahal helping Wyatt score a victory over the Viper.