WWE: 3 One-Time-Only PPVs They Should Do in 2017

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1. Kane 20-Year Anniversary Show

Suggested date: Oct. 10, 2017

Few names in WWE are more synonymous with the word ‘loyalty’ than Kane. He has been a good company man for over two decades (if you count his runs as Isaac Yankem and the fake Diesel), and despite some incredibly bad booking, Kane has always done what the company has asked of him.

In this respect, Kane is one of the most well-liked wrestlers in WWE, both within that company and among fans. His hard work and dedication to making whatever he was assigned with work should be praised.

Even if he’s not the same kind of main-event draw as today’s current crew, he’s a WWE legend nonetheless. And a legend of his calibre deserves to be thanked for his service.

The best way to do this would be for a 20th anniversary special commemorating Kane’s on-screen debut. He debuted at Badd Blood: In Your House on October 7th, 1997, and this year, October 10th is the closest Sunday.

This show could be just like the one for Orton; a show dedicated to Kane’s career, his best moments, and the impact he’s had on WWE. The matches on the card could all involve some element of Kane’s character of wrestling style; the opening match ending with his signature Flying Clothesline; an inferno match for a bitter feud, etc.

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Then, the final match on the card would be Kane’s final WWE match, as he plans on going into politics. He could have one last big win, and then celebrate with his famous on-screen brother, the Undertaker. It would be a touching and grandiose way for Kane to finish his stellar WWE career.