15 Best WWE Tag Team Champions of All Time

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1. The Dudley Boyz

OH, MY BROTHER … TESTIFY! Rounding out the top 15 WWE Tag Team Champions of all time is D-Von and Bubba Ray: The Dudley Boyz. What is there to say about this team here. Next to L.O.D. no other team has gone on to have the career these to have had. Winning championships in every promotion they have ever been in. It wasn’t until The Mayors of Dudleyville came to WWE that their place in history would be etched in stone.

The Dudleys would come to WWE after having a pretty storied run in ECW. Like the number two and three teams on the list, they came in the peak of the Attitude Era. They came over to much fanfare having already had a name and following. They would use be known as the team that put people through tables, as Bubba Ray frequently put women wrestlers through tables. The Dudley Boys would win their first tag team titles in 2000 from the New Age Outlaws. After their first run, they would enter in the battle for tag team supremacy with E & C  and The Hardy Boyz.

Next: All 26 Champions in NXT History, Ranked

The Dudley Boyz can have a whole article written about their storied careers. Most noteworthy of the legacy that is the Dudleys is the fact that they won the WWE Tag Team Championship a total of nine times! No other team has held the titles that many times and no other team ever will eclipse that feat. That concludes my list of the 15 best tag team champions of all time. Comment below and let me know if you agree.