WWE Extreme Rules 2017 Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades

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No. 1 Contenders Match for the WWE Universal Championship
Bray Wyatt vs. Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor vs. Samoa Joe

Result: Samoa Joe wins to become the No. 1 contender to the WWE Universal Championship.

Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars

The match was chaotic from the moment it started, as expected. Everyone brawled and hardly anyone was left in there to do the one-on-one with the other competitors watching at ringside.

Finn Balor and Roman Reigns were the early stars of this match, until a curious alliance between Samoa Joe and Bray Wyatt formed. They used steel steps to take out Balor, Reigns and Seth Rollins, standing tall for a time.

They kept things going in the ring, targeting Balor and avoiding hitting each other. That had to change soon, right? Because in WWE, all alliances end up going to waste.

The Extreme Rules gimmick finally came into play, as Wyatt broke out a chair. WWE hardly mentioned this part of the match, as the focus — understandably so — has been on who faces Brock Lesnar next, not tables or chairs.

Your line of the night from Booker T: “Only one man can win, Corey.” Yes, Mr. T, we know.

The Wyatt-Joe alliance finally broke down, leading to them going head-to-head in the ring. They didn’t fight for long, with Balor bringing back the Extreme Rules stipulation. It quickly became his match for the second time.

Reigns suddenly took out Balor and Joe with a spear through the ropes. Then, Rollins decided to be ambitious and hit a frog splash onto Wyatt, who was out on the announce table!

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Well, after Balor looked to take advantage of a beaten down Reigns, Joe swooped in and put the Coquina Clutch on the Demon. With everyone down, it allowd the Samoan Submission Machine to take him out and officially win the match, becoming the next contender to the Universal Championship.