WWE NXT Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for June 14

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Elimination Match for the NXT Women’s Championship
Asuka (c) vs. Nikki Cross vs. Ruby Riot

Result: The match ended in a no-contest.

Rating: 3.25 out of 5 stars

A little strange that this match took place after Asuka pinned Cross and Riot — at the same time — at TakeOver: Chicago. Also, even stranger was Cross’ entrance being skipped, unless she only just crawled into the ring for it, without music.

Much like Chicago, Cross and Riot worked together, at least for a few minutes. Everything then went back to normal.

Riot and Asuka showed decent chemistry and some fun in-ring action. Full Sail didn’t really get off its feet for it, which has become the norm for mostly everything in WWE NXT.

Cross hit her finisher, but Asuka rolled out of the ring before she could attempt a pinfall. They’re not taking the NXT Women’s Championship from the Empress of Tomorrow on the weekly show, right?

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Cross took out Riot with a spinning neckbreaker after putting the latter’s legs on the top turnbuckle. A nice twist on a move that’s been done plenty of times before.

That left Cross vs. Asuka, a match NXT missed the boat on trying months ago, after TakeOver: San Antonio. Ember Moon received the main title push, but it’s surprising nothing was tested with the SAnitY member. Wednesday night’s match may have been the closest thing we get to this, which was a lot of fun to watch.

Once the match went backstage, the referee called it off. A match that you can’t be disqualified or counted out in, along with one that’s gone backstage in the past, being ruled a no-contest? Strange, but WWE doesn’t always follow its own logic.

The fight continued backstage, with Asuka just mauled Cross backstage. The Scotswoman then shoved the Japanese Sensation’s face into a cooler of ice water, before it spilled back into Full Sail.

To top it off, Asuka and Cross went through a production table. However, the cameras missed the fall through the structure. Awesome moment, though, which got the crowd going for the first time all night.


Cross vs. Asuka seems inevitable, potentially for an episode of WWE NXT. Moon still seems like the end game, but something will need to bridge the gap.

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That will do it for this episode of WWE NXT. What did you think of it?