Is WWE Misusing Kurt Angle?


Kurt Angle returning to WWE as RAW’s general manager was an incredible and long over due moment that fans were excited about, but now what?

Kurt Angle, the guy that won a gold medal with a “broken freakin’ neck” was always unsurprisingly good in the ring. He was able to put on great matches with anyone, and his matches with the likes of Shawn Michaels and Brock Lesnar are some of the most memorable matches in history.

However, at the age of 48 with a large history of injuries and problems, several matches for Angle just aren’t a plausible future for him in his return run in WWE. So, it should come as no surprise that Angle has yet to get physical as the general manager of RAW.

For a guy that can no longer wrestle as often as he could in the past, fans should not have been so excited to see him return in a non-wrestling role, right? Well, the reason fans have been so excited is because Angle has been one of the most entertaining and hilarious performers with his work during in the Attitude Era.

Angle made the WWE Universe laugh with his tiny cowboy hat, his “Sexy Kurt” song, rap battle with John Cena, and many more fond memories. So, when we heard Angle was coming back, we were all expecting the same lovable goof that was able to put the entertainment in sports entertainment.

Sadly, that has not been the case so far. While Kurt showed during his Hall of Fame speech that he still has that charisma and performing ability in him, WWE has yet to let him display it as the RAW general manager.

Instead, we have seen Angle have very little personality. He has been wearing a suit with a very serious demeanor. There is no joking when it comes to Kurt’s character as he gives “inspirational” advice to babyfaces and calmly reprimands heels for their actions.

Angle seems to get less and less air time as he’s just raising the hands of winners to make matches feel more important and rolling the lottery ball machine for eternity.

While Angle has been unable to display his great character work on RAW, he has been getting into quite the intriguing storyline with Corey Graves, and this mystery texter that could potentially ruin Kurt.

Hopefully, once this storyline develops, Angle will get to have a little more creative freedom with his character. But, whether Angle goes back to his lovable character or not, it looks like we will at least be seeing him back in the ring wrestling at some point due to this storyline.

It appears that WWE has been misusing Angle so far during his latest run with the company, and as the nostalgia effect begins to wear off, WWE needs to either develop Angle’s character or get him back in the ring to keep the WWE Universe.

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Let’s hope this slowly growing storyline can provide both for us.