WWE NXT Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for July 12

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NXT Tag Team Championship Match
The Authors of Pain (C) vs Heavy Machinery

Result: Authors of Pain def. Heavy Machinery via Final Chapter

Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars

Few have matched the intensity, success, and physicality the Authors of Pain have brought to the NXT tag team division. However, Heavy Machinery with their recent success and larger than life personality and size, may be the one team to close the book on the Authors of Pain.

Both teams were billed at a combined weight of over 1,200 lbs. Making this physically the biggest match in NXT history. The match itself left a bit to be desired. I am, admittedly, not huge into hoss matches. They don’t leave a lot of room for creative sequences. I also felt that for a tag match they were not given very much time.

The match started off pretty evenly, until AoP got the upper hand on Tucker by utilizing quick tags and cutting the ring in half. After a brutal clothesline, Tucker was able to tag in Otis. Heavy Machinery went to work and nearly landed their finisher before Tucker was booted from the ring and AoP landed the Last Chapter for the win.

As AoP stood tall in the ring, SAnitY’s music hit and Nikki Cross, Alexander Wolfe, and Killian Dain appeared at the top of the ramp. Soon pages began to rain down from the rafters, and Ranallo wondered if it were pages from the book of dominance. I do enjoy how SAnitY has been involved in a number of angles through the weeks. Their faction continues to be a highlight of NXT.

Last Week's Review: NXT Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for July 5

Next week, we’ll see Ember Moon face Ruby Riot one-on-one. Let us know your thoughts on this episode in the comments below.