WWE SmackDown: Shane McMahon Teaches a Valuable Lesson


On the most recent episode of WWE SmackDown Live, a show that typically involves violence made the case for non-violence

The best promos are sprinkled with grains of truth. On this week’s edition of WWE SmackDown Live, Kevin Owens mercifully interrupted Carmella before she could begin squawking about how she’s going to be the next women’s champion. Owens stated that he would now be the guest referee for Carmella’s opening match against Natalya, because this is what Kevin Owens does. Walking Ed Hardy t-shirt James Ellsworth was helpless in the face of a natural predator such as Owens, who continued to walk and talk like he owns SmackDown and can therefore do whatever he pleases.

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Shane McMahon emerged to act like a good boss and get Owens back in line. Shane is more level-headed than his father, but I do miss the days of watching Vince saunter out to address a disgruntled employee because you knew you were going to witness a living volcano, slowly billowing smoke and ash before eventually erupting with fire and fury. The build up would be slow but inevitable, and Vince was never shy about putting an employee in their place and/or threatening them with being fired if they didn’t comply. This is also what made his infamous encounters with Stone Cold Steve Austin so memorable, because so few employees were willing to cross the boss.

Shane did his best to placate Owens by appealing to logic and reason, but Owens was having none of it. This is where things got turned up to 11. After making some legitimate points about Shane grabbing the spotlight with big bumps and high-profile matches, Owens took a decidedly darker tone when he invoked the real-life helicopter crash that Shane was involved in last month:

"“You know what, man? I’m going to be real honest with you right now: your entire family would have been better off if you hadn’t survived that crash. Everyone. Your dad, your wife, and especially your kids.”"

That last part sent Shane into “Hulk smash!” mode, and he proceeded to throw hands all over Owens who sold the beat down as if it had been Mike Tyson landing body blows. This is standard Shane McMahon theater where his whirlwind slap punches are made to look menacing despite being more sizzle than steak.

This is also supposed to explain why a former Universal Champion is being made to look like a helpless jobber while the boss’ son rains down a barrage of loosely held fists. Instead of fighting back, Owens took the ultimate heel route and threatened to take control of the WWE via legal action, because according to the rules of pro wrestling, bestowing ownership over an entire company would be the reasonable outcome for a misdemeanor criminal case.

Later in the evening, Daniel Bryan came out to impart a lesson that may seem unusual coming from a show where men and women often solve their problems with fists and kicks. Bryan reminded Shane that he is supposed to be a leader, and when someone says something you don’t like, that doesn’t give you the right to attack them.

Yes, this is the very definition of hypocrisy when it’s used on a pro wrestling show where even the most pedestrian of disagreements are often solved with assault and battery, but Bryan was absolutely right. More often than not, you and I will find ourselves faced with situations like this where we are confronted by people who may say or even do things that cause our blood to boil. Few of these moments would justify the use of violence, and so we must maintain our composure no matter how frustrating it may be. Parents everywhere should feel free to use this storyline as a teachable moment for their children.

While this incident does provides us with a genuine “The More You Know” moment, it makes little sense as a wrestling angle. I understand the logic WWE is attempting to employ as they build the case for Shane and Owens to settle their differences inside a ring, most likely at the next SmackDown pay-per-view which happens to be Hell in a Cell.

Even with the news of Vince McMahon showing up next week to address this problem, I cannot in good conscience pretend to be excited about seeing these two men compete. The fact remains that Kevin Owens is an extremely talented wrestler and Shane is not. This match will be a lose/lose for Owens because he either beats a guy who has had two wrestling matches over the last seven years, or he loses to that guy. Neither outcome is a good look for Owens.

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My issue with Shane McMahon has never been with his laissez-faire attitude when it comes to his own safety, because anyone willing to take the risks he does certainly deserves at least a modicum of respect. At the end of the day, Shane is not a professional wrestler and he should not be getting physically involved with other wrestlers, no matter what they say about his family.